Bibliography and Citations

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Borror DJ.  1960.  Dictionary of word roots and combining forms. Edition First Edition.  Mountain View (California): Mayfield Publishing Company.  
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Boreal Toad Recovery Team and Technical Advisory Group, Loeffler C.  2001.  Conservation plan and agreement for the management and recovery of the southern Rocky Mountain population of the boreal toad (Bufo boreas boreas).    Available from
Booth E.S.  1950.  Quail and partridges.
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Boone J.D, Keller B.L.  1993.  Temporal and spatial patterns of small mammal density and species composition on a radioactive waste disposal area: the role of edge habitat.  Great Basin Naturalist.  53(4):341-349.
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Boone JD, Ammon E, Johnson K.  2018.  Long-term declines in the pinyon jay and management implications for piñon–juniper woodlands in: Trends and traditions: Avifaunal change in western North America (W. D. Shuford, R. E. Gill Jr., and C. M. Handel, eds.).  Studies of Western Birds.  3:190-197.  Available from
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Booms TL, Holroyd GL, Gahbauer MA, Trefry HE, Wiggins DA, Holt DW, Johnson JA, Lewis SB, Larson MD, Keyes KL et al..  2014.  Assessing the status and conservation priorities of the short-eared owl in North America.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  78(5):772-778.  Available from,
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Bonett R.M.  2002.  Analysis of the contact zone between the dusky salamanders Desmognathus fuscus fuscus and Desmognathus fuscus conanti (Caudata: Plethodontidae).  Copeia.  2002:344-355.
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Bond J.G, Wood C.H.  1978.  Geologic Map of Idaho.