Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
DeBolt A..  1988.  Idaho Natural Heritage Observation Reports for summer 1988, particularly for Lepidium davisii.  
DeBolt A..  1988.  Idaho Natural Heritage Program Observation Report for Astragalus Mulfordiae.  
Riley D..  1988.  Idaho Natural Heritage Program observation report of location information for Streptopus streptopoides var. brevipes, Pend Oreille County, WA.  
DeBolt A..  1988.  Idaho Natural Heritage Program Observation Reports.  
Moseley B..  1988.  IDNHP Observation Reports from the spring of 1988 for various plants around the state.  
DeBolt A., Rosentreter R..  1988.  An illustrated guide to the sensitive plants of Boise District Bureau of Land Management, 1988.  
Ivey GL, Stern MA, Carey CG.  1988.  An increasing white-faced ibis population in Oregon.  Western Birds.  19(3):105-108.  Available from
Barrett S.CH, Arno S.F.  1988.  Increment-borer methods for determining fire history in coniferous forests.  
Burke D.M., Nol E..  1988.  Influence of food abundance, nest-site habitat, and forest fragmentation on breeding ovenbirds.  Auk.  115(1):96-104.
Groves C.R.  1988.  Information from a meeting with Tony Apa and Daryl Meints, graduate students at the University of Idaho, concerning sharp-tailed grouse in southeastern Idaho.
West N.E.  1988.  Intermountain deserts, shrub steppes, and woodlandsNorth American Vegetation. Cambridge University Press, New York.
California Native Plant Society.  1988.  Inventory of rare and endangered vascular plants of California.
O'Farrell T.P.  1988.  Kit fox.  
DeBolt A., Doremus J..  1988.  Lepidium davisii threats. Unpublished report prepared by the Boise District BLM.  
Meinke R.J.  1988.  Leptodactylon pungens subsp hazeliae (Polemoniaceae), a new combination for a Snake River Canyon endemic.  Madrono.  35(2):105-111.
McAllister K..  1988.  Letter dated 16 August to Tom Juelson concerning threats to bog lemming habitats in Washington, including uranium mining, grazing and snowmobiling.  
Blake J..  1988.  Letter from Jill Blake to Susan Bernatas from July 21, 1988, regarding Cardamine constancei locations in Coeur d'Alene District BLM.  
Meinke B..  1988.  Letter to Bob Moseley dated 20 May containing collection information for two sites of Mimulus washingtonensis ssp ampliatus.  
Blake J..  1988.  Letter to Bob Moseley describing 2 new locations for Trientalis latifolia.  
Wellner C..  1988.  Letter to Bob Moseley giving two locations of Trientalis arctica.  
Yensen E..  1988.  Letter to Craig Groves, Idaho Natural Heritage Program, containing information on 2 new Spermophilus brunneus colonies.  
Wackenhut M..  1988.  Letter to Craig Groves, Idaho Natural Heritage Program, listing observations of Plecotus townsendii, Antrozous pallidus, Pipistrellus hesperus, as well as other bats in southern Idaho.  
Wicks G.J to Dave.  1988.  Letter to Dave Genter, Montana Natural Heritage Program, from the Montana Department of Highways regarding an agreement between the two offices for capture of Coeur d'Alene salamanders and subsequent reintroduction.  
Bursik R..  1988.  List of plant collections from Merriam Lake Basin RNA.  
Poole J., Riskind D..  1988.  Living on the edge.  Texas Parks and Wildlife.  46(6):2-11.