Bibliography and Citations

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Hoofer S.R, Van Den Bussche R.A.  2001.  Phylogenetic relationships of plecotine bats and allies based on mitochondrial ribosomal sequences.  Journal of Mammalogy.  82:131-137.
Hoofer SR, Van Den Bussche RA.  2003.  Molecular phylogenetics of the chiropteran family Vespertilionidae.  Acta Chiropterologica.  5(Supplement):1-63.  Available from
Hoofer SR, Choate JR, Mandrak NE.  Submitted.  Mensural discrimination between Reithrodontomys megalotis and R. montanus using cranial characters.  Journal of Mammalogy.  80(1):91-101.  Available from
Hong W.S.  2002.  Checklist of liverworts and hornworts for the state of Washington based on literature reports.  Lindbergia.  27:129-133.
Hong W.S.  1987.  Distribution of western North American Hepaticae. Endemic taxa and taxa with a North Pacific arc distribution.  Bryologist.  90:344-361.
Hong WS.  1983.  The genus Porella in North America west of the Hundredth Meridian.  Bryologist.  86(2):143-155.
Hong W.S.  1976.  Annotated checklist of the Hepatics of Idaho.  Bryologist.  79:422-436.
Holzinger J.M.  1895.  Report on a collection of plants made by J.H. Sandberg and assistants in northern Idaho, in the year 1892.  Contributions of the U.S. National Herbarium.  3(4):205-287.
Holub J..  1975.  Diphasiastrum, a new genus in Lycopodiaceae.  Preslia.  47(1):97-110.
Holub J..  1973.  A note on the classification of Botrychium Sw. s.l.  Preslia.  45:276-277.
Holub S.M, Lajtha. K..  2003.  Mass loss and nitrogen dynamics during the decomposition of a 15N-labeled N2-fixing epiphytic lichen, Lobaria oregana.  Canadian Journal of Botany.  81:698-704.
Holthuuzen AMA, Duley PA, Hagar JC, Smith SA, Wood KN.  1987.  Piracy, insectivory and cannibalism of prairie falcons (Falco mexicanus) nesting in southwestern Idaho.  Journal of Raptor Research.  21(1):32-33.  Available from
Holthuuzen AMA, Duley PA, Hagar JC, Smith SA, Wood KN.  1987.  Bathing behavior of nesting prairie falcons (Falco mexicanus) in southwestern Idaho.  Wilson Bulletin.  99(1):135-136.  Available from
Holthuijzen A.MA.  1988.  Behavior and productivity of nesting prairie falcons in relation to construction activities at Swan Falls Dam.  
Holthuijzen A.MA.  1975.  An investigation of colonial waterbirds in the Hagerman study area.  
Holthuijzen A.MA.  1975.  An investigation of threatened and endangered animal species, candidate species, and species of special concern in the Hagerman study area.  
Holthuijzen AMA.  2003.  A description of the small mammal community (Orders Rodentia and Insectivora) in the Hells Canyon Study Area.  Hells Canyon Complex FERC No. 1971.  
Holthuijzen AMA.  1989.  Behavior and productivity of nesting prairie falcons in relation to construction activities at Swan Falls Dam, final report.  
Thomas JWard, Raphael MG, editors.  1993.  Terrestrial forest ecosystem assessment. Forest ecosystem assessment: an ecological, economic, and social assessment. Report of the Forest Ecosystem Management Assessment Team.  Thomas JWard, Raphael MG, editors. Washington (DC): USDA Forest Service; USDI Fish and Wildlife Service, National Park Service, Bureau of Land Management; USDC/NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service; Environmental Protection Agency.   p. IV1-IV212 + App.  Available from
Holte K.  Submitted.  No description.  Holte, Karl.  
Holte C.  Submitted.  No description.  Holte, Carl.  
Holte K..  1999.  Notable discoveries: Idaho sedge (Carex parryana Dewey ssp. idahoa (Bailey) Murray).  Sage Notes.  21(3):9-10.
Holt D.W.  1987.  Boreal owl survey: results on the Lolo National Forest.  
Holt DW.  Submitted.  No description.  Holt, Denver W..  
Holt DW, Petersen JL.  2000.  Northern pygmy-owl (Glaucidium gnoma). Birds of North America.  494.  Philadelphia (PA): The Birds of North America.