Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Zarn M..  1974.  Habitat management series for unique or endangered species, Report No. 11.  
Snow C..  1972.  Habitat management series for unique or endangered species. Report No. 1. American peregrine falcon, Falco peregrinus anatum, and Arctic peregrine falcon, Falco peregrinus tundrius.  
Jones S..  1979.  Habitat management series for unique or endangered species. Report No. 17. The accipiters: goshawk, Cooper's hawk, sharp-shinned hawk.  
Snow C..  1974.  Habitat management series for unique or endangered species. Report No. 13. Ferruginous hawk, Buteo regalis.  
Hayward G.E, Hayward P.H.  1987.  Habitat requirements and distribution of the boreal owl in Central Idaho.  
Hayward G., Hayward P.H, Garton E.O.  1986.  Habitat requirements and distribution of the boreal owl in central Idaho.  
Lesica P..  1990.  Habitat requirements, germination behavior and seed bank dynamics of Howellia aquatilis in the Swan Valley, Montana.  
Marks J.S, Marks V.S.  1987.  Habitat selection by Columbian sharp-tailed grouse in west-central Idaho.  
Strait D.H.  1989.  Habitat suitability index model: side-blotched lizard (Uta stansburiana).  
Strait D.H.  1989.  Habitat suitability index model: western fence lizard (Sceloporus occidentalis).  
Allen A.W.  1985.  Habitat suitability index models: American coot.  
Cade B.S.  1985.  Habitat suitability index models: American woodcock (wintering).  
A. Peterson Hsuitabil.  1986.  Habitat suitability index models: bald eagle (breeding season).  
Allen A.W.  1987.  Habitat suitability index models: barred owl.  
Allen A.W.  1983.  Habitat suitability index models: beaver.  
Prose B.L.  1985.  Habitat suitability index models: belted kingfisher.  
Schroeder R.L.  1983.  Habitat suitability index models: black-capped chickadee.  
Sousa P.J.  1985.  Habitat suitability index models: blue-winged teal (breeding).  
Boyle K.A, Fendley T.T.  1987.  Habitat suitability index models: bobcat.  
Short H.L.  1984.  Habitat suitability index models: Brewer's sparrow.  
Graves B.M, Anderson S.H.  1987.  Habitat suitability index models: bullfrog.  
Schroeder R.L.  1984.  Habitat suitability index models: canvasback (breeding habitat).  
Schroeder R.L.  1983.  Habitat suitability index models: downy woodpecker.  
Jasikoff T.M.  1982.  Habitat suitability index models: Ferruginous hawks.  
Sousa P.J.  1985.  Habitat suitability index models: gadwall (breeding).