Bibliography and Citations

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Moseley R.K.  1989.  Handwritten EO–observation of Cypripedium calceolus parviflorum by of Barry Kendall, personal communication to Moseley.  
Moseley R.K.  1999.  1998 inventories for Ute Ladies Tresses in Idaho.  
Moseley R.K.  1985.  Site survey summary for Formation Cave proposed Research Natural Area, Idaho Falls District, BLM.  
Moseley R.K.  1989.  Special Plant Survey Forms resulting from field work on Big Desert vegetation.  
Moseley R.K.  1993.  Alpine flora of the upper Little Wood River, Pioneer Mountains, Sawtooth National Forest.  
Moseley B..  1990.  Special Plant Survey Forms for field work done in northern Idaho, summer 1990.  
Moseley R.K.  1993.  The status and distribution of Christ's Indian paintbrush (Castilleja christii) and Davis' wavewing (Cymopterus davisii) in the Albion Mountains, Sawtooth National Forest and City of Rocks National Reserve.  
Moseley B..  1988.  IDNHP Observation Reports from the spring of 1988 for various plants around the state.  
Moseley B..  1988.  Special plant survey forms for Gold Fork Rock and Log Mountain, dated July 8 and 10, 1988.  
Moseley R.K, Jankovsky-Jones M..  1997.  Field notes for West Fork Pahsimeroi River Headwaters site (S.USIDHP*420).  
Moseley R.K, Mancuso M..  1990.  Threatened, endangered, and sensitive plant inventory of the Bear River Range, Caribou National Forest.  
Moseley B..  1992.  Map of the Ada County Landfill in the Boise Foothills based on field work from 1985-1992 by Bob Moseley, Michael Mancuso, and Steve Caicco.  
Moseley B..  1992.  Idaho rare plant observation report forms for field surveys done on Stevens Peak and West Willow Peak, summer 1992.  
Moseley R.K.  1985.  Special Plant Survey to Little Boulder Campground of May 17, 1985: Tauschia tenuissima.  
Moseley R.K.  1987.  Area of Critical Environmental Concern Recommendation for Mud Flat Oolite.  
Moseley B..  1989.  Moseley, B. 1989.  
Moseley R.K.  1990.  Distribution of Penstemon lemhiensis on the Salmon National Forest, Idaho.  
Moseley B..  1987.  Special plant survey form for Machaeranthera laetevirens population within Mount Harrison proposed Research Natural Area.  
Moseley R.K.  1986.  Special plant survey form for the area around Boulder Chain Lakes: Astragalus vexilliflexus var nubilus 005,005 and Carex breweri var paddoensis.  
Moseley B..  1991.  Special plant survey forms for field work done on the Lucile Caves RNA/ACEC, 1991 field season.  
Moseley R.K, Mancuso M..  1992.  Field maps for the Boise Foothills rare plant study, resulting from field work done in 1991-1992.  
Moseley B..  1997.  Field notes for The Tules site (S.USIDHP*258).  
Moseley R.K, Mancuso M..  1997.  1997 Ute ladies' tresses (Spiranthes diluvialis) inventory: Idaho Transportation Department, District 6 bridge projects.  
Moseley R.K.  1986.  Site summary for The Pines in the Pahsimeroi Valley.  
Moseley R.K.  1986.  Special plant survey form for Vineyard Creek ACEC, Shoshone District, BLM: Epipactis gigantea 008.