Bibliography and Citations

Found 12292 results
Messinger W..  1994.  Molecular Systematic Studies in the Genus Ribes (Grossulariaceae).  :104pp..
Swartz L..  2000.  The morphological and genetic distinctness of Botrychium minganense and B. crenulatum as assessed by morphometric analysis and DNA markers.  :27pp..
Steele A.M.  1974.  Moss communities of central Idaho forests.  :52pp..
Seidensticker J.C.  1973.  Mountain lion social organization in the Primitive Area.  :146pp..
Heekin P.E.  1994.  Mountain quail ecology: seasonal movements, habitat use patterns, and population characteristics in west-central Idaho.  :5pp..
Delehanty D.J.  1997.  Mountain quail reproduction and restoration in the Great Basin.  :121pp..
Wilson R.C.  1965.  Movements and other life history aspects of mountain quail Oreortyx pictus Douglas.  :64pp..
Wilson TL.  2010.  A multi-scale evaluation of pygmy rabbit space use in a managed landscape.  Department of Wildland Resources.  :119.
Fleischner T.L.  1983.  Natural history of harlequin ducks wintering in northern Puget Sound.  
Powers L.R.  1981.  Nesting behavior of the ferruginous hawk (Buteo regalis).  :312pp..
Patla S.M.  1997.  Nesting ecology and habitat of the northern goshawk in undisturbed and timber harvest areas on the Targhee National Forest, Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.  :164pp..
Smith BWade.  1999.  Nest-site selection, ectoparasites, and mitigation techniques: studies of burrowing owls and artificial burrow systems in southwestern Idaho [thesis].  Raptor Biology.  :108.
Meinke R.J.  0.  A new annual species of Mimulus (Scrophulariaceae) form the Intermountain West.  :87-109.
Bauer K.L.  1989.  Observations on the developmental biology of Cicindela arenicola Rumpp (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae).  :33pp.
Salogga D.S.  1982.  Occurrence, symptoms and probable cause, Discula species, of Cornus leaf anthracnose.  :167pp..
Logan E.R.  1967.  The Odonata of Idaho.  :164pp..
Lee V.R.  1983.  Oenothera psammophila (Nels. & Macbr.) Wagner, Stockhouse & Klein ined. in the Fremont County, Idaho, sand dune system.  :151pp..
Fahler NA.  1998.  Owls of the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory.  Department of Natural Resource Management, Graduate Program in Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences.  :97.  Available from
Runquist EBrandon.  2012.  Patterns and mechanisms of divergence in butterflies across spatial scales [dissertation].  Ecology.  :117.  Available from
Crawford R.C.  1980.  Permanent plot locations of Phlox idahonis [part of: Ecological investigations and management implications of six northern Idaho endemic plants on the proposed endangered and threatened lists. Moscow, ID: University of Idaho. . Thesis.  :200pp..
Miller A.  2008.  Phylogeography and geographical variation of behavioral and morphological characteristics in Paruroctonus boreus [dissertation].  Biology.  :65.  Available from
Reynolds J..  1983.  A plan for the reintroduction of swift fox to the Canadian prairie.  :112pp..
Mairs J.W.  1977.  Plant Communities of the Steens Mountain Subalpine Grassland and their relationship to certain environmental elements.  
Rumely J.H.  1956.  Plant ecology of a bog in northern Idaho.  :85pp..
Seipel T.F..  2006.  Plant species diversity in the sagebrush steppe of Montana.  Unpublished Thesis.  :161pp..