Bibliography and Citations

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Pruitt L..  2000.  Loggerhead shrike status assessment.  
Pritchard G, Zloty J.  1994.  Life histories of two Ameletus mayflies (Ephemeroptera) in two mountain streams: the influence of temperature, body size, and parasitism.  Journal of the North American Benthological Society.  13:557-568.  Available from
Prentice C.A.  1990.  Locations for various uncommon species: specimens deposited in Harold M. Tucker Herbarium.  
Powers L..  0.  Letter to Idaho Conservation Data Center concerning flammulated owl studies he is conducting in the Sublett Mountains.  
Powers LR.  1985.  Letter to Craig Groves, Idaho Natural Heritage Program, documenting occurrences of longnose snake, night snake, and western groundsnake in Owyhee and Canyon counties.  
Porter SD, Jorgensen CD.  1988.  Longevity of harvester ant colonies in southern Idaho.  Journal of Range Management.  41(2):104-107.  Available from
Popovich S..  1994.  List of new Astragalus oniciformis sites, 1993-1994.  
Poole J., Riskind D..  1988.  Living on the edge.  Texas Parks and Wildlife.  46(6):2-11.
Pocewicz A, Morgan P, Eigenbrode SD.  2009.  Local and landscape effects on butterfly density in northern Idaho grasslands and forests.  Journal of Insect Conservation.  13(6):593–601.  Available from
Place A.R., Stiles E.W..  1992.  Living off the wax of the land: bayberries and Yellow-rumped Warblers.  Auk.  109:334-345.
Pimm S.L.  1993.  Life on an intermittent edge.  Trends in Ecology and Evolution.  8(2):45-46.
Pilsbry H.A.  1946.  Land Mollusca of North America (north of Mexico), vol. 2, pt. 1.  Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia Monograph.  3(2):1-520.
Pilsbry H.A.  1940.  Land Mollusca of North America (north of Mexico), vol. 1, pt. 2.  Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia Monograph.  3(1):575-994.
Pilsbry H.A.  1939.  Land Mollusca of North America (north of Mexico), vol. 1, pt. 1.  Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia Monograph.  3(1):1-574.
Pilsbry H.A.  1939.  Land Mollusca of North America (North of Mexico).  Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia Monograph.  3(1):1-573.
Pilsbry H.A.  1948.  Land Mollusca of North America (north of Mexico), vol. 2. pt. 2.  Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia Monograph.  3(2):521-1113.
Pilliod DS, Peterson CR.  2001.  Local and landscape effects of introduced trout on amphibians in historically fishless watersheds.  Ecosystems.  4(4):322-333.
C. Peterson Lfrom var.  1993.  Listing from various museums in the United States of spotted frog specimens from Idaho south of the Snake River.  
Peterson E.4. Lichen.  2004.  Lichen conservation in the United States and Canada.  Lingua Botanica.  5(3):6-10.
Peterson H.A.  1977.  Letter dated 29 July to C. A. Wellner regarding the Potholes RNA area.  
Peck C.S.  1990.  Letter concerning the trumpeter swan population at Harriman State Park, accompanied by a memo from Ruth Shea.  
Patterson R., Yoder-Williams M..  1984.  Leptodactylon glabrum, a new intermountain species of Polemoniaceae.  Systematic Botany.  9(3):261-262.
Patla S..  1991.  Letter dated July 31 to Hal Gibbs, Targhee Forest Biologist, regarding management guidelines for both northern goshawk and great gray owl.  
Patla D.A, Trost C.H.  1995.  Location of goshawk nest sites in relation to riparian areas in the Centennial Mountains, northeastern Idaho, Abstract.  Journal of Raptor Research.  29(1):44.
Parenti B..  1984.  Letter from Bob Parenti to Bill Hagdorn, BLM, in response to Jarbidge Resource Management Plan and listing sites of Astragalus atratus var. inseptus, Lepidium davisii, Astragalus atratus var. owyheensis.