Bibliography and Citations

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Bourgeron P., Jensen M., Engelking L., Everett R., Humphries H..  1995.  Landscape ecology, conservation biology, and principles of ecosystem management.
Bourgeron P.S, Humphries H.C, Jensen M.E.  1994.  Landscape characterization: a framework for ecological assessment at regional and local scales.  Journal of Sustainable Forestry.  2:267-281.
Bowler P.A.  1992.  Letter of August 31 to Dr. Marvin Plenert, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, regarding rationale for the Service's reclassification of the Shoshone sculpin.  
Bowler P.A.  1985.  Letter to the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service with associated newspaper clippings and other letters in support of the listing of the Bruneau Hot Springsnail as Endangered.  
Brady G..  1990.  Letter of 1 January to Idaho Natural Heritage Program regarding harlequin duck sightings.  
Brandborg SM.  1955.  Life history and management of the mountain goat in Idaho.  
British Columbia Ministry of Environment.  0.  Lynx: management guidelines for British Columbia.  
Broad K..  1989.  Lichens in southern woodlands. Forestry Commission Handbook 4.  
Brodie, Jr. E.D.  1984.  Letter to J. Gore, USFWS, Boise, voicing Brodie's lack of support for listing the Idaho and Montana populations of Plethodon vandykei.  
Brodo I.M, Sharnoff S.D, Sharnoff S..  2001.  Lichens of North America.
Brown MT, Vivas B.  2005.  Landscape development intensity index.  Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.  101(1-3):289–309.  Available from
Buckman RE.  1979.  Letter to INT Station Director from WO Deputy Chief for Research acknowledging reciept of establishment record for Pony Meadows.  
Budy P., Luecke C, Wurtsbaugh WA, Gross H.P, Gubala C..  1995.  Limnology of Sawtooth Valley Lakes with respect to potential growth of juvenile Snake River sockeye salmon.  Northwest Science.  69(2):133-150.
Bull E.L.  1983.  Longevity of snags and their use by woodpeckers. RM-99.  
Bunnell F.L, Spribille T., Houde I., Goward T., Bjork C..  2008.  Lichens on down wood in logged and unlogged forest stands.  Canadian Journal of Forest Research.  38(5):1033-1041.
Bunting S.C, Robberecht R., Defosse G.E.  1998.  Length and timing of grazing on postburn productivity of two bunchgrasses in an Idaho experimental range.  International Journal of Wildland Fire.  8(1):15-20.
Bureau of Land Management.  2005.  Lepidium papilliferum shapefiles.  
Bureau of Land Management.  2003.  Lepidium papilliferum shapefiles.  
Burns J.E.  1987.  Letter to C. Wellner regarding proposed Frogg Butte RNA requesting an alternative site be considered.  
Bursik R..  1988.  List of plant collections from Merriam Lake Basin RNA.  
Bursik R.J.  1995.  List of aquatic flora for 41 sites in Idaho.  
Butts T.W.  1992.  Lynx (Felis lynx) biology and management: a literature review and annotated bibliography.