Bibliography and Citations

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Petersen KLee.  1982.  Breeding ecology of passerine birds in a sagebrush-dominated community.  :66pp..
Boxall PC, Stepney PHR.  1982.  The distribution and status of the barred owl in Alberta.  Canadian Field-Naturalist.  96(1):46-50.  Available from
Bechard MJ.  1982.  Effect of vegetative cover on foraging site selection by Swainson's hawk.  Condor.  84(2):153-159.  Available from
Steenhof K, Kochert MN.  1982.  An evaluation of methods used to estimate raptor nesting succes.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  46(4):885-893.
MacCracken JG, Hansen RM.  1982.  Herbaceous vegetation of habitat used by blacktail jackrabbits and Nuttall cottontails in southeastern Idaho.  American Midland Naturalist.  107(1):180-184.
Shumar ML, Anderson JE, Reynolds TD.  1982.  Identification of subspecies of big sagebrush by ultraviolet spectrophotometry.  Journal of Range Management.  35(1):60-62.
Fraley, Jr. L, Bowman GC, Markham O.D.  1982.  Iodine-129 in rabbit thyroids near a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant in Idaho.  Health Physics.  43(2):251-258.  Available from
White SM, Welch BL, Flinders JT.  1982.  Monoterpenoid content of pygmy rabbit stomach ingesta.  Journal of Range Management.  35(1):107-109.  Available from
White SM, Flinders JT, Welch BL.  1982.  Preference of pygmy rabbits (Brachylagus idahoensis) for various populations of big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata).  Journal of Range Management.  35(6):724-726.  Available from
White CM, Frost HH, Shirley DL, Webb G.M, Porter RD.  1983.  Bird distributional and breeding records for southeastern Idaho, Utah, and adjacent regions.  Great Basin Naturalist.  43(4):717-727.  Available from
White CM, Frost HH, Shirley DL, Webb G.M, Porter RD.  1983.  Bird distributional and breeding records for southeastern Idaho, Utah, and adjacent regions.  Great Basin Naturalist.  43(4):717-727.  Available from
Marimuthu G., Chandrashekaran M.K.  1983.  Continuous light inside a cave abolishes the social synchronization of the circadian rhythm in a bat.  Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology.  12(4):321-323.  Available from,
Mack RN, Pyke DA.  1983.  The demography of Bromus tectorum: variation in time and space.  Journal of Ecology.  71(1):69-93.  Available from
Kochert MN, Steenhof K, Moritsch MQ.  1983.  Evaluation of patagial markers for raptors and ravens.  Wildlife Society Bulletin.  11(3):271-281.  Available from
Woffinden ND, Murphy JR.  1983.  Ferruginous hawk nest site selection.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  47(1):216-219.
Hayward GD, Garton EO.  1983.  First nesting record for boreal owl in Idaho.  Condor.  85(4):501.  Available from