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Formanowicz, Jr. DR, Brodie, Jr. ED.  1985.  Unpalatability and toxicity of an introduced species (cinnabar moth larvae) to native predators.  American Midland Naturalist.  113(2):401-403.  Available from
Forrester TR, Green DJ, McKibbin R, A. Bezener M, Bishop CA.  2020.  Riparian habitat restoration increases the availability and occupancy of Yellow-breasted Chat territories but brood parasitism is the primary influence on reproductive performance.  Condor.  122(4):dua033.  Available from
Fothergill K, Levy-Boyd D.  2008.  Interactions between butterflies (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera) and plants (Spermatophyta: Magnoliophyta) in south central Idaho.  Journal of the Idaho Academy of Science.  44(2):5p.+tables.
Fothergill K, Levy-Boyd D.  2008.  Interactions between butterflies (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera) and plants (Spermatophyta: Magnoliophyta) in south central Idaho.  Journal of the Idaho Academy of Science.  44(2):5p.+tables.
Fothergill K, Levy-Boyd D.  2008.  Interactions between butterflies (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera) and plants (Spermatophyta: Magnoliophyta) in south central Idaho.  Journal of the Idaho Academy of Science.  44(2):5p.+tables.
Fraley, Jr. L, Bowman GC, Markham O.D.  1982.  Iodine-129 in rabbit thyroids near a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant in Idaho.  Health Physics.  43(2):251-258.  Available from
Freeman E, Moisen GG.  2008.  A comparison of the performance of threshold criteria for binary classification in terms of predicted prevalence and kappa.  Ecological Modelling.  217(1-2):48–58.  Available from
Frest TJ, Johannes EJ.  1992.  Distribution and ecology of the endemic and relict mollusc fauna of Idaho TNC's Thousand Springs Preserve.  
Frest TJ, Johannes EJ.  1992.  Distribution and ecology of the endemic and relict mollusc fauna of Idaho TNC's Thousand Springs Preserve.  
Friggens MM, Warwell MV, Chambers JC, Kitchen SG, Finch DM.  2012.  Modeling and predicting vegetation response of western USA grasslands, shrublands, and deserts to climate change. Edition General Technical Report RMRS-GTR-285.  Fort Collins (CO): U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.   p. 1-20.  Available from
Funk S.  2019.  Idaho rare plant observation report forms and GIS shapefile data from Idaho Power Company for 2018 field season.  
Fürst M.A, McMahon D.P, Osborne J.L, Paxton R.J, Brown M.JF.  2014.  Disease associations between honeybees and bumblebees as a threat to wild pollinators.  Nature.  506(7488):364-366+supplementalonline.  Available from
Fürst M.A, McMahon D.P, Osborne J.L, Paxton R.J, Brown M.JF.  2014.  Disease associations between honeybees and bumblebees as a threat to wild pollinators.  Nature.  506(7488):364-366+supplementalonline.  Available from
Fürst M.A, McMahon D.P, Osborne J.L, Paxton R.J, Brown M.JF.  2014.  Disease associations between honeybees and bumblebees as a threat to wild pollinators.  Nature.  506(7488):364-366+supplementalonline.  Available from
Gabler KI, Laundré JW, Heady LT.  2000.  Predicting the suitability of habitat in southeast Idaho for pygmy rabbits.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  64(3):759-764.
Gabler KI, Heady LT, Laundré JW.  2001.  A habitat suitability model for pygmy rabbits (Brachylagus idahoensis) in southeastern Idaho.  Western North American Naturalist.  61(4):480-489.  Available from
Gardner J.  2023.  Rosy-finch project: Rosy-finch feeder counts, winter 22-23.    Available from
Garrison BA.  1999.  Bank swallow (Riparia riparia).  Birds of North America Online.  (414)  Available from
Gates RJ, Eng RL.  1983.  Sage grouse, pronghorn, and lagomorph use of a sagebrush-grassland burn site on the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory. Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Radioecology and Ecology Programs, 1983 progress report.  O. Markham D, editor. Idaho Falls (ID): U. S. Department of Energy, Idaho Operations Office, Radiological and Environmental Sciences Laboratory.   p. 220-235.
Gates RJ, Eng RL.  1983.  Sage grouse, pronghorn, and lagomorph use of a sagebrush-grassland burn site on the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory. Idaho National Engineering Laboratory Radioecology and Ecology Programs, 1983 progress report.  O. Markham D, editor. Idaho Falls (ID): U. S. Department of Energy, Idaho Operations Office, Radiological and Environmental Sciences Laboratory.   p. 220-235.
Gauthier G.  1987.  Further evidence of long-term pair bonds in ducks of the genus Bucephala.  Auk.  104(3):521-522.  Available from
Gauthier G.  1987.  Further evidence of long-term pair bonds in ducks of the genus Bucephala.  Auk.  104(3):521-522.  Available from
Gauthier G.  1987.  Further evidence of long-term pair bonds in ducks of the genus Bucephala.  Auk.  104(3):521-522.  Available from
Gauthier G.  1987.  Further evidence of long-term pair bonds in ducks of the genus Bucephala.  Auk.  104(3):521-522.  Available from
GBIF.  2020.  Bombus suckleyi specimen records download from GBIF, for latilong that includes Idaho, 2020 [Excel spreadsheet].    Available from