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Kemper T..  2005.  Report on the status of Astragalus riparius Barneby.  
Kenagy G.J.  1973.  Adaptations for leaf eating in the Great Basin kangaroo rat, Dipodomys microps.  Oecologia.  12(4):383-412.  Available from
Kenagy G.J.  1972.  Saltbush leaves: excision of hypersaline tissue by a kangaroo rat.  Science.  178(4065):1094-1096.
Kendall B.  Submitted.  Professional background information.  Kendall, Barry..  
Kendall K.C, Metzgar L.H, Patterson D.A, Steele B.M.  1992.  Power of sign surveys to monitor population trend.  
Kendall B..  1989.  Written report of field observation.  
Kendall KC, Macleod AC, Boyd KL, Boulanger J, J. Royle A, Kasworm WF, Paetkau D, Proctor MF, Annis K, Graves TA.  2016.  Density, distribution, and genetic structure of grizzly bears in the Cabinet–Yaak Ecosystem.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  80(2):314–331.
Kennedy G.G.  1895.  No Description.  Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club.  22:50-51.
Kennedy C.A.  1948.  Golden eagle kills bighorn lamb.  Journal of Mammalogy.  29(1):68-69.
Kennedy P.L, Stahlecker D.W.  1991.  Broadcast calls of the northern goshawk: their effectiveness and their use in inventory and long-term monitoring programs, Draft.  
Kennedy PL.  1988.  Habitat characteristics of Cooper's hawks and northern goshawks nesting in New Mexico. Southwest Raptor Management Symposium and Workshop.  No. 11.  Glinski R.L, Pendleton B.A, Moss M.B, Jr. M.NLeFranc, Millsap B.A, Hoffman S.W, editors. Washington (D.C): National Wildlife Federation.   p. 218-227.
Kennison J.A.  1980.  Status report for Allium madidum.  
Kennison J.A, Taylor R.J.  1979.  Status report for Calochortus nitidus.  
Kennison J.A, Taylor R.J.  1979.  Status report for Calamagrostis tweedyi.  
Kennison J.A.  1980.  Report on Camassia cusickii.  
Kennison J.A.  1980.  Report on Astragalus mulfordiae.  
Kennison J.A, Taylor R.J.  1979.  Status report for Aster jessicae.  
Kennison J.A, Taylor R.J.  1979.  Status report for Haplopappus liatriformis.  
Kent M.  2012.  Vegetation Description and Data Analysis: A Practical Approach, 2nd Edition. Edition Second.  Chichester, West Sussex (UK): Wiley-Blackwell, A John Wiley & Sons, Ltd..  
Kepler C.B, Kepler A.K.  1978.  Status and nesting of the yellow-billed cuckoo in Puerto Rico.  Auk.  95:417-419.
Kerekes J.J.  1989.  Possible correlation of summer loon population with the trophic state of a water body (aquatic birds as trophic indicators of water bodies).
Kerns BK, Naylor BJ, Buonopane M, Parks CG, Rogers B.  2009.  Modeling tamarisk (Tamarix spp.) habitat and climate change effects in the northwestern United States.  Invasive Plant Science and Management.  2(3):200-215.  Available from
Kerpez T.A, Smith N.S.  1990.  Competition between European starlings and native woodpeckers for nest cavities in saguaros.  Auk.  107:367-375.
Kerr JT, Pindar A, Galpern P, Packer L, Potts SG, Roberts SM, Rasmont P, Schweiger O, Colla SR, Richardson LL et al..  2015.  Climate change impacts on bumblebees converge across continents.  Science.  349(6244):177-180.  Available from