Bibliography and Citations

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Hurd EG, Goodrich S, Shaw NL.  1994.  Field guide to Intermountain rushes. General Technical Report.  INT-306.  Ogden (Utah): U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Research Station.  
Hurd M..  1980.  Threatened or endangered plant and state rare report.  
Huot R., Wellman. D..  2001.  Allotropa virgata: a "menage a trois" amongst kingdoms and divisions.  Bulletin of the Native Plant Society of Oregon.  34(7):81,92.
Hunziker A.T, Anton. A.M.  1979.  A synoptical revision of Blepharidachne (Poaceae).  Brittonia.  31(4):446-453.
Huntly N., Inouye R.S.  1987.  Small mammal populations of an old-field chronosequence: successional patterns and associations with vegetation.  Journal of Mammalogy.  68:739-745.
Huntly N, Inouye R.  1988.  Pocket gophers in ecosystems: patterns and mechanisms.  BioScience.  38(11):786-793.  Available from
Huntley J.L.  0.  Freshwater bivalve Mollusca as a dietary adjunce for prehistoric inhabitants of the middle Snake River region of southwest Idaho.  
Hunter ML.  1990.  Wildlife, forests, and forestry : principles of managing forests for biological diversity. Englewood Cliffs (NJ): Prentice Hall, Inc..  
Hunter W.C, Carter M.F, Pashley D.N, Barker K..  1993.  The Partners in Flight species prioritization scheme.  
Hundertmark KJ, R. Bowyer T, Shields GF, Schwartz CC.  2003.  Mitochondrial phylogeography of moose (Alces alces) in North America.  Journal of Mammalogy.  84(2):718-728.  Available from
Humphries J.M, Cashner R.C.  1994.  NOTROPIS SUTTKUSI, a new cyprinid from the Ouachita Uplands of Oklahoma and Arkansas, with comments on the status of Ozarkian populations of N. RUBELLUS.  Copeia.  1994:82-90.
Humphrey D.L.  1984.  Patterns and mechanisms of plant succession after fire on Artemisia-grass sites in south-eastern Idaho.  Vegetatio.  57:91-101.
Humphrey L.D.  1985.  Use of biomass predicted by regression from cover estimates to compare vegetational similarity of sagebrush-grass sites.  Great Basin Naturalist.  45(1):94-98.
Humphrey L.D.  1984.  Patterns and mechanisms of plant succession after fire on Artemisia-grass sites in southeastern Idaho.  Vegetatio.  57:91-101.
Humphrey R.R.  1945.  Common range forage types of the Inland Pacific Northwest.  Northwest Science.  19(1):3-11.
Humphrey H.B.  1924.  The phytogeography of the Coeur d'Alene flood plain of northern Idaho.  Ecology.  5(1):6-13.
Humphrey H.B, Weaver J.E.  1915.  Natural reforestation in the mountains of northern Idaho.  Plant World.  18(2):31-47.
Humble W.R.  1980.  A proposal for the study of the barred owl in northern Idaho.  
Hulten E..  1968.  Flora of Alaska and neighboring territories.
Hull A.C, Hull M.K.  1974.  Presettlement vegetation of Cache Valley, Utah and Idaho.  Journal of Range Management.  27:27-29.
Hull, Jr. A.C, Klomp. G.J.  1966.  Longevity of crested wheatgrass in the sagebrush-grass type in southern Idaho.  Journal of Range Management.  19(1):5-11.
Hull, Jr. A.C, W. Hansen, Jr. T.  1974.  Delayed germination of cheatgrass seed.  Journal of Range Management.  27(5):366-368.  Available from
Hull, Jr. A.C, Klomp. G.J.  1967.  Thickening and spread of crested wheatgrass stands on southern Idaho ranges.  Journal of Range Management.  20(4):222-227.
Hulbert LC.  1955.  Ecological studies of Bromus tectorum and other annual bromegrasses.  Ecological Monographs.  25(2):181-213.  Available from
Huheey J.E, Brandon RA.  1973.  Rock-face populations of the mountain salamander, Desmognathus ochrophaeus, in North Carolina.  Ecological Monographs.  43(1):59-76.