Bibliography and Citations

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Hancock J.A, Brassard. G.R.  1974.  Element content of moss sporophytes: Buxbaumia aphylla.  Canadian Journal of Botany.  52:1861-1865.
Hoffman G.R.  1974.  The influence of a paper pulp mill on the ecological distribution of epiphytic cryptogams in the vicinity of Lewiston, Idaho, and Clarkston, Washington.  Environmental Pollution.  7:283-301.
Henderson D..  1974.  Letter of September 4, 1974, to John Emerson, Supervisor, Salmon National Forest, recommending that the Sheep Mountain area be designated a Research Natural Area, and listing many of the rare plants found there.  
Haag R.W.  1974.  Nutrient limitations to plant production in two tundra communities.  Canadian Journal of Botany.  52:103-116.
Hancock J.A, Brassard. G.R.  1974.  Phenology, sporophyte production, and life history of Buxbaumia aphylla in Newfoundland, Canada.  Bryologist.  77(4):501-513.
Hough R.A.  1974.  Photorespiration and productivity in submersed aquatic vascular plants.  Limnology and Oceanography.  19(6):912-927.
Hull A.C, Hull M.K.  1974.  Presettlement vegetation of Cache Valley, Utah and Idaho.  Journal of Range Management.  27:27-29.
Hull A.C, Hull M.K.  1974.  Presettlement vegetation of Cache Valley, Utah and Idaho.  Journal of Range Management.  27:27-29.
Holsinger JR.  1974.  Systematics of the subterranean amphipod genus Stygobromus (Gammaridae), Part 1: species of the western United States. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology; no. 160.  Washington (DC): Smithsonian Institution Press.    Available from
Holmgren NH, Holmgren A.H.  1974.  Three new species from the Great Basin.  Brittonia.  26:309-315.
Holmgren NH, Holmgren A.H.  1974.  Three new species from the Great Basin.  Brittonia.  26:309-315.
Howe W.H.  1975.  The butterflies of North America.
Holub J..  1975.  Diphasiastrum, a new genus in Lycopodiaceae.  Preslia.  47(1):97-110.
Holthuijzen A.MA.  1975.  An investigation of colonial waterbirds in the Hagerman study area.  
Holthuijzen A.MA.  1975.  An investigation of threatened and endangered animal species, candidate species, and species of special concern in the Hagerman study area.  
Henderson D.M.  1975.  Letter of September 5, 1975, to James Blaisdell, Chairman of Intermountain Research Natural Area Committee, concerning species and work of students in the proposed Sheep Mountain RNA.  
Henderson D.M.  1975.  No description.  
Hanna P..  1975.  A plan for re-establishing California bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis californiana) into Owyhee County, Idaho.  
Hazlett D.L, Hoffman G.R.  1975.  Plant species distributional patterns in Artemisia tridentata- and Artemisia cana-dominated vegetation in western North Dakota.  Botanical Gazette.  136(1):72-77.
Hazlett D.L, Hoffman G.R.  1975.  Plant species distributional patterns in Artemisia tridentata- and Artemisia cana-dominated vegetation in western North Dakota.  Botanical Gazette.  136(1):72-77.
Powers LR, Howard R, Trost CH.  1975.  Population status of the ferruginous hawk in southeastern Idaho and northern Utah.  Raptor Research Report.  
Powers LR, Howard R, Trost CH.  1975.  Population status of the ferruginous hawk in southeastern Idaho and northern Utah.  Raptor Research Report.  
Hazen WE.  1975.  Readings in population and community ecology. Edition Third Edition.  Philadelphia (PA): W. B. Saunders Company.  
Conner RN, Hooper RG, Crawford HS, Mosby HS.  1975.  Woodpecker nesting habitat in cut and uncut woodlands in Virginia.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  39(1):144-150.
Hong W.S.  1976.  Annotated checklist of the Hepatics of Idaho.  Bryologist.  79:422-436.