Bibliography and Citations

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Hinds W.T.  1979.  The cesspool hypothesis versus natural areas for research in the United States.  Environmental Conservation.  6(1):13-20.
Johnson MK, Hansen RM.  1979.  Coyote food habits on the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  43(4):951-956.
Warren nM, Hornocker M.G.  1979.  Ecology of great blue herons on Silver Creek, Idaho. Final report to The Nature Conservancy.  
Hamerstrom F..  1979.  Effect of prey on predator: voles and harriers.  Auk.  96:370-374.
Heidel B..  1979.  Endangered and threatened plants in the Northern Idaho BLM District.  
Salter R.E, Hudson R.J.  1979.  Feeding ecology of feral horses in western Alberta.  Journal of Range Management.  32(3):221-225.
Johnson MK, Hansen RM.  1979.  Foods of cottontails and woodrats in south-central Idaho.  Journal of Mammalogy.  60(1):213-215.
Hamre V..  1979.  Letter from the Regional Forester to the Caribou NF Supervisor to proceed with formal establishment processes of proposed RNA's, including the Gibson Jack Creek RNA.  
Harrison H.H, Harrison M..  1979.  Mountain quail.
Harrison H.H, Harrison M..  1979.  Mountain quail.
Hayward G., Cross S.P.  1979.  The natural history of Pipistrellus hesperus (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae).  
Holmgren N.H.  1979.  New Penstemons (Scrophulariaceae) from the Intermountain region.  Brittonia.  31(2):217-242.
Hironaka M., Fosberg. M.A..  1979.  Nonforest habitat types of southern Idaho.  
Black D.A, Howell W.M.  1979.  The North American mosquitofish, GAMBUSIA AFFINIS: a unique case in sex chromosome evolution.  Copeia.  1979:509-513.
Hall A.R.  1979.  A note on the Quartenary history of Meesia longiseta Hedw. in Britian.  Journal of Bryology.  10:511-515.
Craig TH, Halford DK, Markham O.D.  1979.  Radionuclide concentrations in nestling raptors near nuclear facilities.  Wilson Bulletin.  91(1):72-77.  Available from
Hamrick J.L, Linhart Y.B, Mitton J.B.  1979.  Relationships between life history characteristics and electrophoretically detectable genetic variation in plants.  Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics.  10:173-200.
Hebda R.J.  1979.  Size, productivity, and paleoecological implications of ericaceous pollen from Burns Bog, southern Fraser River Delta, British Columbia.  Canadian Journal of Botany.  57(16):1712-1717.
Habeck J..  1979.  Slow progress: a report on research natural areas.  
Henderson D.M, Brunsfeld S., Brunsfeld P..  1979.  A survey of the rare plants of the Challis National Forest, with recommendations and management implications.  
Brunsfeld S., Brunsfeld P., Henderson D.M.  1979.  A survey of the rare plants of the Challis National Forest, Yankee Fork District with recommendations and management implications.  
Hunziker A.T, Anton. A.M.  1979.  A synoptical revision of Blepharidachne (Poaceae).  Brittonia.  31(4):446-453.
Hutchings M.J.  1979.  Weight-density relationships in ramet populations of clonal perennial herbs, with special reference to the -3/2 power rule.  Journal of Ecology.  67(1):21-33.