Bibliography and Citations

Found 11964 results
Walls SC, Barichivich WJ, Brown ME.  2013.  Drought, deluge and declines: the impact of precipitation extremes on amphibians in a changing climate.  Biology.  2(1):399-418.
Walls S.C, Blaustein A.R, Beatty J.J.  1992.  Amphibian biodiversity of the Pacific Northwest with special reference to old-growth stands.  Northwest Environmental Journal.  8(1):53-69.
Walsh T.  1989.  Wilderness & wildfire.  Wilderness Institute, Montana Forest & Range Experiment Station; Miscellaneous Publication.  
Walters D.M, Freeman B.J.  2000.  Distribution of Gambusia (Poeciliidae) in a southeastern river system and use of fin ray counts for species determination.  Copeia.  2000(2):555-559.  Available from
Walters K, Kosciuch K, Jones J.  2014.  Can the effect of tall structures on birds be isolated from other aspects of development? Wildlife Society Bulletin.  38(2):250-256.  Available from
Walther AC, Lee T, Burch JB, Foighil DÓ.  2006.  Confirmation that the North American ancylid Ferrissia fragilis (Tryon, 1863) is a cryptic invader of European and East Asian freshwater ecosystems.  Journal of Molluscan Studies.  72(3):318-321.  Available from
Walther AC, Burch JB, Foighil DÓ.  2010.  Molecular phylogenetic revision of the freshwater limpet genus Ferrissia (Planorbidae: Ancylinae) in North America yields two species: Ferrissia (Ferrissia) rivularis and Ferrissia (Kincaidilla) fragilis.  Malacologia.  53(1):25-45.
Walton LR, H. Cluff D, Paquet PC, Ramsay MA.  2001.  Movement patterns of barren-ground wolves in the central Canadian arctic.  Journal of Mammalogy.  82(3):867-876.  Available from
Wang T.-Q., McCafferty W.P.  2004.  Heptageniidae (Ephemeroptera) of the world. Part I: phylogenetic higher classification.  Transactions of the American Entomological Society.  130(1):11-45.
Wang D, Holsinger JR.  2001.  Systematics of the subterranean amphipod genus Stygobromus (Crangonyctidae) in western North America, with emphasis on the hubbsi group.  Amphipacifica.  3(2):39-147.
Wangbert JK.  1981.  Gall-forming habits of Aciurina species (Diptera: Tephritidae) on rabbitbrush (Compositae: Chrysothamnus spp.) in Idaho.  Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society.  54(4):711-732.  Available from
Ward D., Naumann T..  1998.  Ute Ladies'-tresses orchid (Spiranthes diluvialis Sheviak); inventory, Dinosaur National Monument and Browns Park National Wildlife Refuge.  
Ward D., Smith J.NM.  2000.  Brown-headed Cowbird parasitism results in a sink population in Warbling Vireos.  Auk.  117:337-344.
Wardrop DH, Kentula ME, Jensen SF, Stevens, Jr. DL, Hychka KC, Brooks RP.  2007.  Assessment of wetlands in the Upper Juniata watershed in Pennsylvania, USA using the hydrogeomorphic approach.  Wetlands.  27(3):432-445.  Available from
Ware DA, Tirhi M, Herbig B.  2002.  Mountain quail: Oreortyx pictus. Management recommendations for Washington's priority species. Volume IV: Birds. .   Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife.    Available from
Warheit KI.  2001.  Genetic diversity and population differentiation of pygmy rabbits (Brachylagus idahoensis).  
Warner KS.  2000.  Artificial nests, their predators, and their ability to represent real nests.  :96pp..
Warnock M.J.  1995.  A taxonomic conspectus of North American delphinium.  Phytologia.  78(2):73-101.
Warnock S.E, Takekawa J.Y.  1995.  Habitat preferences of wintering shorebirds in a temporally changing environment: western sandpipers in the San Francisco Bay estuary.  Auk.  112:920-930.
Warren C..  1990.  Ecotypic response and habitat use of woodland caribou translocated to the southern Selkirk Mountains, northern Idaho.  :194pp..
Warren M.L, Burr B.M, Grady J.M.  1994.  NOTROPIS ALBIZONATUS, a new cyprinid fish endemic to the Tennessee and Cumberland river drainages, with a phylogeny of the NOTROPIS PROCNE species group.  Copeia.  1994:868-86.
Warren R.W.  1995.  Monitoring wildlife species of special concern.  
Warren AD.  2005.  Lepidoptera of North America 6. Butterflies of Oregon: their taxonomy, distribution, and biology. Contributions of the C. P. Gillette Museum of Arthropod Diversity.  Fort Collins (CO): Colorado State University, C. P. Gillette Museum of Arthropod Diversity.    Available from
Warren C.D, Peek J.M, Servheen G.L, Zager P..  1996.  Habitat use and movements of two ecotypes of translocated caribou in Idaho and British Columbia.  Conservation Biology.  10(2):547-553.
Warren nM, Hornocker M.G.  1979.  Ecology of great blue herons on Silver Creek, Idaho. Final report to The Nature Conservancy.