Bibliography and Citations

Found 11964 results
Wilbur SR.  1976.  New seasonal and distributional records of Idaho birds.  Murrelet.  57(2):32-34.
Wilbur S.R.  1967.  Live-trapping North American upland game birds.  
Wilcox BP, Breshears DD.  1995.  Hydrology and ecology of pinyon-juniper woodlands: conceptual framework and field studies. Desired Future Conditions for Pinyon-Juniper Ecosytems, August 8-12, 1994.  General Technical Report RM-258.  Flagstaff (Arizona): U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station.   p. 109-119.
Wilcox D.A, Pavlovic N.B, Mueggler M.L.  1985.  Selected ecological characteristics of Scirpus cyperinus and its role as an invader of disturbed wetlands.  Wetlands.  5:87-98.
Wilcox B.A, Murphy D.D.  1985.  Conservation strategy: the effects of fragmentation on extinction.  American Naturalist.  125:879-887.
Wild Sheep Working Group.  2012.  Recommendations for domestic sheep and goat management in wild sheep habitat.    Available from
Wilde D.B.  1978.  A population analysis of the pygmy rabbit (Sylvilagus idahoensis) on the INEL site.  :161pp..
Wilde DB.  1979.  Pygmy rabbit reproduction: possible modification by drought conditions. Myers K, MacInnes CD, editors. Guelph (Ontario): University of Guelph.  
Wildlife Conservation Society.  2007.  Greater Yellowstone wolverine program: cumulative report May 2007.  
Wilken D.H.  1975.  A systematic study of the genus Hulsea (Asteraceae).  Brittonia.  27(3):228-244.
Wilken D., Harmon W., Feddema C., Harrington H..  1978.  Distributional records for the Colorado flora.  Great Plains Naturalist.  38(2):208-210.
Wilken D.H, Smith D.M, Harborne J.B, Glennie C.W.  1982.  Flavonoid and anthocyanin patterns and the systematic relationships in Collomia.  Biochemical Systematics and Ecology.  10(3):239-243.
Will G.C.  1987.  Statewide surveys and inventories: game bird and rabbit population status, trends and harvest. July 1987.  
Will G.C.  1991.  Idaho Department of Fish and Game statewide surveys and inventory, 1 April 1986 to 30 September 1991, five year job completion report, Study II, Job 2, waterfowl production and summer banding. Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Boise.  
Will G.C.  1986.  Statewide surveys and inventories: game bird and rabbit population status, trends and harvest.  
Will G.C.  1989.  Status of the Rocky Mountain Population of trumpeter swans and work plans for 1989-90: information sheet on the current status of trumpeter swans in the tristate area.  
Will G.C.  1984.  Statewide surveys and inventories: game bird and rabbit population status, trends and harvest.  
Will G.C.  1984.  Statewide surveys and inventories: game bird and rabbit population status, trends and harvest. 1 April 1983 - 31 March 1984.  
Will-Wolf S., Hawksworth D.L, McCune B., Rosentreter R., Sipman H.JM.  2004.  Lichenized fungi.
Will-Wolf S.  2000.  Lichen communities of old-growth vs managed forests in the northern Great Lakes states. Abstract 51.  American Journal of Botany.  87(6 Suppl):17.  Available from
Williams EH.  1988.  Habitat and range of Euphydryas gillettii (Nymphalidae).  Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society.  42:37-45.  Available from
Williams R.  1962.  The fisher returns to Idaho.  Idaho Wildlife Review.  15(1):8-9.
Williams M.C, James L.F.  1974.  Toxicity of several nitrite-bearing Astragalus species.  Proceedings of the Western Society of Weed Science.  27:4.
Williams B.  1989.  Botanical areas: Barbara's ideas for site selection and management. Region 5 Sensitive Plant Workshop 1989.   p. 2 pp.
Williams PH, Osborne JL.  2009.  Bumblebee vulnerability and conservation world-wide.  Apidologie.  40(3 Spec Issue):367–387.  Available from