Bibliography and Citations

Found 11964 results
Doremus J..  1988.  BLM survey for Lepidium davisii.  
Doremus J..  1990.  Rare plant species observation report forms for the 1990 field season.  
Dorn R.D, Delmatier C.H.  Submitted.  Further data on screech-owl distribution and habitat use in Wyoming.  Western Birds.  25:35-42.
Dorn R.D, Delmatier C.H.  2005.  A new variety of Ericameria discoidea (Asteraceae) from Idaho and Wyoming.  Madrono.  52(1):63-65.
Dorn R.D.  2001.  Vascular plants of Wyoming, 3rd edition.
Dorn R.D, Delmatier C.H.  2005.  A new variety of Ericameria discoidea (Asteraceae) from Idaho and Wyoming.  Madrono.  52(1):63-65.
Dorn R.D.  1988.  Vascular plants of Wyoming.
Dorn R.D.  1997.  Rocky Mountain region willow identification field guide.  
Dorn R.D.  1977.  Willows of the Rocky Mountain States.  Rhodora.  79:390-429.
Dorn R.D.  1975.  A systematic study of Salix section Cordatae in North America.  Canadian Journal of Botany.  53(15):1491-1522.
Doughty P., Sinervo B..  1994.  The effects of habitat, time of hatching and body size on the dispersal of hatchling Uta stansburiana.  Journal of Herpetology.  28(4):485-490.
Douglas G.W.  1996.  Endemic vascular plants of British Columbia and immediately adjacent regions.   The Canadian Field-Naturalist.  110(3):387-391.
Douglas D.  1829.  Observations on some species of the genera Tetrao and Ortyx, natives of North America; with descriptions of four new species of the former, and two of the latter genus.  Transactions of the Linnean Society of London.  16(1):133-149.  Available from
Douglas D.C, Ratti J.T, Black R.A, Alldredge J.R.  1992.  Avian habitat associations in riparian zones of Idaho's Centennial Mountains.  Wilson Bulletin.  104:485-500.
Douglas G.W, Straley G.B.  1998.  Rare native vascular plants of British Columbia.  
Douglas G.W, Ceska A., Ruyle G.G.  1983.  A floristic bibliography for British Columbia.  
Douglas G.W, Ceska A., Ruyle G.G.  1983.  A floristic bibliography for British Columbia.  
Douglas MM, Grula JW.  1978.  Thermoregulatory adaptations allowing ecological range expansion by the pierid butterfly, Nathalis iole Boisduval.  Evolution.  32(4):776-783.  Available from
Douglas G.W, Ratcliffe M.J.  1981.  Some rare plant collections, including three new records for Canada, from Cathedral Provincial Park, southern British Columbia.  Canadian Journal of Botany.  59(8):1537-1538.
Douglas CW, Strickland MA.  1987.  Fisher. Wild furbearer management and conservation in North America.  Novak M, Baker JA, Obbard ME, Malloch B, editors. Ontario (Canada): Ontario Trappers Association.   p. 511-529.
Douglas G.W, Ratti J.T.  1984.  Avian habitat associations in riparian zones of the Centennial Mountains and surrounding areas, Idaho.  
Douglas G.W, Ruyle-Douglas G..  1978.  Nomenclatural changes in the Asteraceace of British Columbia. I. Senecioneae.  Canadian Journal of Botany.  56:1710-1711.
Douglass R., Snyder-Douglass K., Neilsen K..  1978.  A preliminary search for rare and endangered plant species in the Targhee National Forest during 1978.  
Doyle G.J, Foss P.J.  1986.  Vaccinium oxycoccus growing in the Blanket Bog area of West Mayo.  Irish Naturalist Journal.  22(3):101-104.
Doyle J.J, Doyle J.L.  1988.  Natural interspecific hybridization in eastern North American Claytonia.  American Journal of Botany.  75(8):1238-1246.