Bibliography and Citations

Found 11964 results
Dawson W.L.  1923.  Mountain quail. Volume Four.  
Dawson C..  1990.  Center for Plant Conservation 1990 Accession Proposal for Castilleja christii.  
De Graff M-A, Johns A.  2014.  Herbicide impacts on forb performance in degraded sagebrush steppe ecosystems. Great Basin native plant project: 2014 progress report.  Kilkenny F, Halford A, Malcomb A, editors. Boise (ID): U. S. Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.   p. 60-68.  Available from
De Jong T.J, Klinkhamer P.GL.  1988.  Population Ecology of the Biennials Cirsium Vulgare and Cynoglossum Officinale in a Coastal Sand-Dune Area.  Journal of Ecology.  76(2):366-382.
de Jong C.G van Zyl.  1975.  The distribution and abundance of the wolverine (Gulo gulo) in Canada.  Canadian Field-Naturalist.  89(4):431-437.
de Jong C.G van Zyl, Gates C., Reynolds H., Olson W..  1995.  Phenotypic variation in remnant populations of North American bison.  Journal of Mammalogy.  76:391-405.
De Jong GD, Canton SP, Chadwick JW.  2005.  Macroinvertebrates occurring in Sunbeam Hot Springs, an absolutely hot spring in Idaho, USA.  Journal of Freshwater Ecology.  20(3):611-613.  Available from
de León YSánchez-, Johnson-Maynard J.  2009.  Dominance of an invasive earthworm in native and non-native grassland ecosystems.  Biological Invasions.  11(6):1393-1401.  Available from
De Vries B..  1977.  Further notes on the vascular flora of the Hasbala Lake region, Saskatchewan.  Blue Jay.  35(2):74-76.
Dean M.L.  1966.  A biosystematic study in the genus Aster, section Aster, in western North America.  :209.
Dean M.L, Chambers K.L.  1983.  Chromosome numbers and evolutionary patterns in the Aster occidentalis (Asteraceae) polyploid complex of western North America.  Brittonia.  35(3):189-196.
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Dean J.L, Varley J.D, Gresswell R.E.  1975.  Crayfish observation in Yellowstone National Park. In Fishery Management Program, Yellowstone National Park.  
Debinski D.M.  1994.  Genetic diversity assessment in a metapopulation of the butterfly Euphydryas gillettii.  Biological Conservation.  70:25-31.
Debinski D.M, Brussard P.F.  1994.  Using biodiversity data to assess species-habitat relationships in Glacier National Park, Montana.  Ecological Applications.  4(4):833-843.
DeBolt A..  1987.  Special plant collections during 1987 field season.  
DeBolt A..  1989.  Rare plant species observation report forms for spring and summer, 1989.  
DeBolt A..  1987.  List of known Lepidium davisii sites in Southwestern Idaho as of November 3, 1987.  
DeBolt A..  1988.  Idaho Natural Heritage Program Observation Report for Astragalus Mulfordiae.  
DeBolt A..  1989.  An illustrated guide to the sensitive plants of Burley District Bureau of Land Management.  
DeBolt A., Doremus J..  1989.  1988 inventory and status report for Lepidium davisii.  
DeBolt A.  2010.  Biological soil crust survey - Rome Cliffs area, T31S, R41E, Sec. 32, Malheur County, Oregon, Revised.  Report prepared for the Bureau of Land Management, Oregon State Office, Portland.  
DeBolt A..  1989.  Letter to PJP dated 3/9, re: Astragalus atratus var. owyheensis reidentified as Astragalus salmonis.  
DeBolt A., McCune B..  1995.  Is the netleaf hackberry a viable rehabilitation species for Idaho rangelands?
DeBolt A.  1998.  Mulford's milkvetch: a western Snake River Plain endemic.  Sage Notes.  20(4):9.