Bibliography and Citations

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Anonymous.  0.  Aerial photographs of the lower Boise River.  
Anonymous.  2000.  Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative (ARMI): coordination meeting on sampling in the Pacific Northwest and adjacent areas. Report of findings.
Anonymous.  1999.  Bats: myth vs. reality.  
Anonymous.  0.  Birdlife in western junipers.  
Anonymous.  1999.  The (boys) bats of summer.  
Anonymous.  0.  Bull Run Project, issues and concerns and FERC study plan.  
Anonymous.  1992.  Bull trout could be next on endangered species list.  Idaho Statesman.  29 October
Anonymous.  1996.  Candystick plant conservation strategy mapped by GIS.  ARC News.  18(4):16.
Anonymous.  1995.  Checklist of the vascular flora of the Interior Columbia Basin, Draft.  
Anonymous.  2002.  Chester diversion hydroelectric project, draft vegetation and wildlife habitat characterization and mapping and sensitive plants.  
Anonymous.  2006.  Correspondence over penetrative trampling livestock trigger for EO71.  
Anonymous.  1992.  Craters of the Moon National Monument plant list.  
Anonymous.  1988.  Cumulative effects analysis process for the Selkirk/Cabinet-Yaak grizzly bear ecosystems.  
Anonymous.  0.  Data sheet of unknown source listing five occurrences of Eburophyton austiniae in the vicinity of Moose Creek in the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness Area.  
Anonymous.  1964.  Department of Geology and Geological Engineering College of Mines and Earth Resources: Thesis index, 1964-1987.  
Anonymous.  0.  Dialog Information Services printout of citations to publications associated with Townsend's big-eared bat.  
Anonymous.  1987.  Draft action plan for the Bonneville cutthroat trout.  
Anonymous.  2002.  Draft lynx linkage zones.  
Anonymous.  1991.  Draft Survey protocol for northern goshawk nests, December 5, 1991.  
Anonymous.  1992.  An ecological approach to management.
Anonymous.  2004.  The effects of fire on rare plants.  Lingua Botanica.  4(3):4-6.
Anonymous.  1991.  Executive summary regarding Badger Creek.  
Anonymous.  0.  Explanations for field title.  
Anonymous.  0.  Field key for Carex spp.  
Anonymous.  0.  Field key for Salix spp.