Bibliography and Citations

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Wolf PG.  1988.  Analysis of electrophoretic varation in Claytonia lanceolata vars lanceolata and flava.  
Wolfe M., Montan J.R, Montan K., Wassink J., Wakefield M., James B..  1976.  Density and species composition of small mammals and birds in the Snake River Birds of Prey Natural Area, Idaho.  
Won S.H.  1976.  Annotated checklist of the Hepatics of Idaho.  Bryologist.  79:422-436.
Wondolleck M.  Submitted.  Professional background information.  Wondolleck, Mark..  
Wood J.  2000.  Draft recovery plan for the Bruneau hot springsnail (Pyrgulopsis bruneauensis).    Available from;view=1up;seq=1
Wood H.B, James S.W.  1993.  Native and introduced earthworms from selected chaparral, woodland, and riparian zones in southern California.  
Woodbridge B, Hargis CD.  2006.  Northern goshawk inventory and monitoring technical guide.    Available from
Woodbury K..  1980.  Status report for Erigeron cronquistii.  
Woodbury K..  1980.  Status report for Musineon lineare.  
Woodruff RA, Keller BL.  1982.  Dispersal, daily activity, and home range of coyotes in southeastern Idaho.  Northwest Science.  56(3):199-207.
Woods C..  2001.  Email and correspondence containing locational data associated with 1991-1994 BSU graduate field survey of loggerhead shrike nests.  
Woods C.P.  1995.  Status of loggerhead shrikes in the sagebrush habitat of southwestern Idaho. 6.  
Woods C.P, Cade T.J.  1996.  Nesting habits of the loggerhead shrike in sagebrush.  Condor.  98:75-81.
Woods C.P.  1994.  The loggerhead shrike in southwest Idaho.  :198pp..
Woods C.P.  1993.  Variation in loggerhead shrike nest composition between two shrub species in southwest Idaho.  Journal of Field Ornithology.  64(3):352-357.
Woods C.P.  1995.  Breeding ecology of Lanius ludovicianus nesting in sagebrush. 6.  
Woods C.N.  0.  Native trees of the Intermountain Region.  
Woodsworth G.C, Bell G.P, Fenton M.B.  1981.  Observations of the echolocation, feeding behavior, and habitat use of Euderma maculatum (Chiroptera: Vespertilionidae) in southcentral British Columbia.  Canadian Journal of Zoology.  59(6):1099-1102.
Woodward S.M.  1994.  Identification of Sorex monticolus and Sorex vagrans from British Columbia.  Northwest Science.  68(4):277-283.
Woolf N.B.  1990.  Biotechnologies sow seeds for the future: how to conserve rare plants.  BioScience.  40(5):346-348.
Woolley H.P.  1973.  Subcutaneous acrylic polymer injections as marking technique for amphibians.  Copeia.  2:1973.
Wooten M.C, Scribner K.T, Smith M.H.  1988.  Genetic variability and systematics of GAMBUSIA in the southeastern United States.  Copeia.  1988:283-289.
Wooten G..  1993.  Summary of a trampling study on Botrychium spp.  
Worden G..  1991.  List of gray owl sightings for the Ashton RD, Targhee NF, from 1991.  
Worden GM.  1990.  Personal communication.