Bibliography and Citations

Found 11964 results
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1985.  Guidelines for the management of the purple martin, Pacific coast population.  
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1997.  Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants: review of plant and animal taxa that are candidates or proposed for listing as endangered or threatened. Notice of Review.  
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1994.  Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; the plant, water howellia (Howellia aquatilis), determined to be a threatened species. Final rule.  
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1999.  Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants: notice of 6-month extension on the proposed rule to list the contiguous United States distinct population segment of the Canada lynx as Threatened. Proposed Rule.  Federal Register.  64(130):36836-36837.
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1989.  Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants.  
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1989.  National wetlands priority conservation plan.  
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  2003.  Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; proposed designation of critical habitat for the Klamath River and Colombia River distinct population segments of bull trout.  
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1977.  Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants, American ginseng; review of status.  Federal Register.  42(155):40823.
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  2001.  General provisions; revised list of migratory birds; proposed rule.  Federal Register.  66(198):52282-52300.  Available from
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1984.  Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; determination of endangered status for the population of woodland caribou found in Washington, Idaho, and Southern British Columbia.  Federal Register.  49(41):7390-7394.  Available from
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1993.  Draft Bruneau hot springsnail recovery plan.  
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  2002.  50 CFR 17. Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; review of species that are candidates or proposed for listing as endangered or threatened. Notice of Review.  
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1995.  Conservation agreement: Castilleja christii (Christ's Indian paintbrush).  
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  2003.  Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; 12-month finding for a petition to list the lower Kootenai River burbot (Lota lota) as threatened or endangered.  
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  2003.  Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; reopening of comment period for final rule to list the contiguous United States distinct population segment of the Canada lynx.  Federal Register.  68(51):12611-12612.
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1995.  Migratory nongame birds of management concern in the United States: the 1995 list.  
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1995.  Ute Ladies'-Tresses Draft Recovery Plan.  
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  2001.  Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants: final rule to list Silene spaldingii (Spalding's catchfly) as Threatened. Final Rule.  
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  2015.  Species status assessment report for the Columbia spotted frog (Rana luteiventris), Great Basin Distinct Population Segment.    Available from
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  2010.  Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; 12-month findings for petitions to list the greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) as threatened or endangered.  Federal Register.  75(55):13910-14014.  Available from
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  2015.  Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; review of native species that are candidates for listing as endangered or threatened; annual notice of findings on resubmitted petitions; annual description of progress on listing actions.  Federal Register.  80(247):80584-80614.  Available from
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1990.  Grizzly bear recovery plan.  
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  2015.  News Release: Service Determines Three Idaho Species Do Not Warrant Listing Under Endangered Species Act.  
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1985.  Sensitive species management plan for the western yellow-billed cuckoo.  
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  1986.  Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; findings on pending petitions and description of progress on listing actions.  Federal Register.  51(6):996-999.  Available from