Bibliography and Citations

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Zwartjes M.M.  2009.  Evaluation of trends in precipitation at the Orchard Training Area over the years 1991-2007.  
Zumbaugh D.M, Choate J.R, Fox L.B.  1985.  Winter food habits of the swift fox on the central high plains.  
Zouhar K.  2011.  Muhlenbergia racemosa.  Fire Effects Information System [Online].    Available from
Zoo Liaison Committee.  1990.  Announcement: special program on declining amphibian diversity for the annual meetings of the SSAR and HL in New Orleans, August 7, 1990.  
Zoellick BW.  2004.  Density and biomass of redband trout relative to stream shading and temperature in southwestern Idaho.  Western North American Naturalist.  64(1):18-26.  Available from
Zloty J, Sinclair BJ, Pritchard G.  2005.  Discovered in our backyard: a new genus and species of a new family from the Rocky Mountains of North America (Diptera, Tabanomorpha).  Systematic Entomology.  30(2):248–266.  Available from
Zloty J.  1996.  A revision of the Nearctic Ameletus mayflies based on adult males, with descriptions of seven new species (Ephemeroptera: Ameletidae).  Canadian Entomologist.  128(2):293-346.  Available from
Zloty J., Pritchard G..  1997.  Larvae and adults of Ameletus mayflies (Ephemeroptera: Ameletidae) from Alberta.  Canadian Entomologist.  129:251-289.
Zink RM, Dittmann DL, Rootes WL.  1991.  Mitochondrial DNA variation and the phylogeny of Zonotrichia.  Auk.  108(3):578-584.  Available from
Zink R.M, Dittmann D.L, Klicka J., Blackwell-Rago R.C.  1999.  Evolutionary patterns of morphometrics, allozymes, and mitochondrial DNA in thrashers (Genus TOXOSTOMA).  Auk.  116:1-1038.
Zink R.M, Fitzsimons J.M, Dittmann D.L, Reynolds D.R, Nishimoto R.T.  1996.  Evolutionary genetics of Hawaiian freshwater fish.  Copeia.  1996:330-335.
Zimpfer NL, Rhodes WE, Silverman ED, Zimmerman GS, Richkus KD.  2013.  Trends in duck breeding populations: 1955–2013.    Available from
Zimmers J, Smith JF.  2015.  Determining the Taxonomic Status of Astragalus cusickii var packardiae using Molecular Phylogenetic Methods, Final Report.  
Zimmerman M..  1988.  Pollination biology of montane plants: relationship between rate of nectar production and standing crop.  American Midland Naturalist.  120(1):50-57.
Zimmerman E.G.  1965.  A comparison of habitat and food of two species of MICROTUS.  Journal of Mammalogy.  46:605-612.
Zimmerer E.G.  1983.  Effect of salinity on the size-hierarchy effect in POECILIA LATIPINNA, P. RETICULATA and GAMBUSIA AFFINIS.  Copeia.  1983:243-5.
Zimmer K.J.  1985.  The Western bird watcher: an introduction to birding in the American West.
Zika P.F.  1992.  Contributions to the alpine flora of the northeastern United States.  Rhodora.  94(877):15-37.
Zika PF.  1982.  New stations for Carex livida var grayana and Dryopteris fragrans in Washington County, Vermont.  Rhodora.  84(837):155-156.
Zika PF.  Submitted.  Professional background information.  Zika, Peter F..  
Zika P.  2013.  Juncus trilocularis (Juncaceae), a new species in Washington.  Botanical Electronic News.  468:4pp.plusillustrations.  Available from
Zika PF, Kuykendall K, Wilson B.  2000.  Noteworthy collections. Oregon.  Madroño.  47(2):144-145.
Zika P.F.  1988.  The status of Asplenium viride in Oregon.  American Fern Journal.  78(2):72-73.
Zika P., Kuykendall K..  2001.  Some sedges (Carex) never found in Oregon.  Kalmiopsis (Journal of the Native Plant Society of Oregon).  7:22-28.