Publication Type:
p.21 pp (1989)Call Number:
Cicindela arenicola, dunes tiger beetleAbstract:
In this report the author discusses the findings for 7 research objectives regarding the dunes tiger beetle (Cicindela arenicola) at the St. Anthony Sand Dunes, Fremont County, Idaho, namely to determine 1) the distribution and breeding areas of C. arenicola at the St. Anthony Sand Dunes, 2) the impact of off-road vehicles on larval burrows there, 3) the beetle’s biology with specific regard to the longevity of the adults and the time period of egg laying, 4) to what degree, if any, dispersal occurs from one dune complex to another and between breeding and egg-laying areas, 5) the distribution of C. arenicola outside the St. Anthony Sand Dunes, 6) the general qualitative and quantitative status of the populations and the beetle’s habitat, and 7) the status of current knowledge on the taxonomy and subspeciation of C. arenicola. [The figures are not included here with the report copy, no any observation numbers.]
Full citation: Anderson, R. C. 1989. The dunes tiger beetle. Final report to Bureau of Land Management, Idaho Falls District, Idaho Falls, ID. BLM ID-030-CT8-005. 21 pp.