Yellow-billed cuckoo Boise River survey summer 2015: biological report

Publication Type:



Morris, B. W.


U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla, p.9 p. (2015)

Call Number:



aves, bird survey, Boise River, species of concern, yellow-billed cuckoo


The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla District (Corps) has been tasked to assess the impacts of expanding Arrow Rock Dam on the Boise River. As part of the impact assessment for this action, a survey for yellow-billed cuckoo (Coccyzus americanus) was conducted from June 9 – June 12th, 2015 on the Boise River, in and near Boise, Idaho.

Four vocalization responses were heard during the survey. Two responses were heard at Barber Park on June 9th and two at Cascade Lake on the 11th. Given the proximity of the responses on the same given day, but significant distances from the separate call sites between days, it is believed the responses represented two different birds, one at each site. No visual sightings were made during the survey. Both sightings were approximately two miles from historic sightings.

Yellow-billed cuckoos are still present along the Boise River. New sightings are within the same general area as historic sightings. Given the limitations in the number of surveys that could be done and the difficulty in moving through the more preferred habitat, it is reasonable to assume that the survey underestimated the number of birds in the area.

In order to get a more accurate picture of yellow-billed cuckoo status in the area, more surveys per year and over the years, need to be completed.


Shelf Note: Electronic Files - Zoology: AVES