Publication Type:
(2003)Call Number:
bats, chiroptera, Corynorhinus townsendii, Little Brown Myotis, Long-eared Myotis, Myotis evotis, Myotis lucifugus, Townsend's Big-Eared BatAbstract:
This spreadsheet lists mines that were surveyed on the Idaho Panhandle National Forests from 1989 through 2003. Information about each mine site includes, depending on circumstances, whether it was closed to the public, its location, the surveyor(s') name(s), the date and time of survey, type of survey (e.g., mist-netting), number of bats observed, and bat species name.
ELECTRONIC FILE - Zoology: Mammals, Processed data, Bats
Citation: Idaho Panhandle National Forests. 2003. Idaho Panhandle bats and mines, 11/24/2003 [spreadsheet]. Taylor, Jenny, compiler.