Mammals of the Pocatello region of southeastern Idaho

Publication Type:

Journal Article


University of California Publications in Zoology, University of California Press, Berkeley, Volume 40, Issue 3, p.235-276 (1933)

Call Number:



bats, Brachylagus idahoensis, Corynorhinus, Corynorhinus rafinesquii intermedius, Eptesicus fuscus, Hoary Bat, Lasionycteris noctivagans, Lasiurus cinereus, Myotis evotis, Myotis sp., Myotis yumanensis, Piute Ground Squirrel, pygmy rabbit, red fox


This article/monograph is the result of efforts, beginning in 1927, to document the mammals of the Pocatello, Idaho, region. Whitlow did all of the field work and collecting, and Hall did most of the systematics. In all, 579 specimens were obtained; they represent 55 of the 60 total species and subspecies recorded here for the Pocatello region. The bulk of the material is deposited in the California Museum of Vertebrate Zoology. Specimens are also in the Kansas University Museum and the collection of Ralph Ellis, Jr., Berkeley, California. The aim of this report is also to present all that is known on the mammal species present in 1933 and in historic time, the local or habitat distribution of each species, factors governing the presence or absence of selected species, and habits of the species, as noted incidentally in the course of the work.


ELECTRONIC FILE - Zoology: Mammals
Citation: Whitlow, W. B., and E. R. Hall. 1933. Mammals of the Pocatello region of southeastern Idaho. University of California Publications in Zoology 40(3): 235-276.