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Greater Yellowstone Conservation Data Center.  1995.  Priority species list for the Greater Yellowstone Conservation Data Center.   U95GRE01IDUS
Groves CR, Klein ML, Breden TF.  1995.  Natural Heritage Programs: public–private partnerships for biodiversity conservation.  Wildlife Society Bulletin.  23(4):784-790.  Available from U95GRO02IDUS
Greater Yellowstone Conservation Data Center.  1995.  Known locations of plant species of special concern in the Greater Yellowstone Area. Greater Yellowstone CDC and Montana Natural Heritage Program.   U95GYC01IDUS
Hammer S..  1995.  Hammer, S. 1995. The biogeography and ecology of species in the lichen genus Cladonia in the Columbia River Basin.   U95HAM01IDUS
Harris C.E.  1995.  Breeding bird responses to timber thinning on the Farragut Wildlife Management Area.   U95HAR01IDUS
Havlina DWilliam.  1995.  Fire effects on vegetation diversity, structure, and successional dynamics in shrub-steppe and mixed conifer environments of the Hells Canyon, Idaho.  Rangeland Resources.  :142.  Available from U95HAV01IDUS
Hays M..  1995.  Sensitive and rare plant species of the Palouse District Clearwater National Forest.   U95HAY01IDUS
Heekin P.E, Reese K.P.  1995.  Validation of a mountain quail survey technique.   U95HEE01IDUS
Heekin P.E, Vogel C.A, Zager P..  1995.  In quest of the mountain quail.   U95HEE02IDUS
Heekin P.E, Vogel. C.A.  1995.  Mountain quail: high jumpers.  Idaho Wildlife.  15(5):2. U95HEE03IDUS
Heekin P.E, Reese K.P, Zager P..  1995.  Movements, habitat use, and population characteristics of mountain quail in west-central Idaho.   U95HEE04IDUS
Heekin P.E, Reese K.P, Zager P..  1995.  Movements, habitat use, and population characteristics of mountain quail in west-central Idaho.   U95HEE05IDUS
Heekin P.E, Reese K.P, Zager P..  1995.  Movements, habitat use, and population characteristics of mountain quail in west-central Idaho.   U95HEE06IDUS
Heekin P.E, Reese K.P, Zager P..  1995.  Movements, habitat use, and population characteristics of mountain quail in west-central Idaho. Quarterly Progress Report.   U95HEE07IDUS
Heidel B..  1995.  Preliminary status report update for Silene spaldingii (Spalding's catchfly), a candidate threatened species.   U95HEI01IDUS
Heidel B..  1995.  Spiranthes dilvialis Sheviak in Montana.   U95HEI02IDUS
Heidel B.L.  1995.  Plant species of special concern.   U95HEI03IDUS
Hendricks P., Jurist K.A, Genter D.L, Reichel J.D.  1995.  Bat survey of the Kootenai National Forest, Montana: 1994.   U95HEN01IDUS
Henderson R.A.  1995.  Plant species composition of Wisconsin prairies: an aid to selecting species for plantings and restorations based upon University of Wisconsin-Madison Plant Ecology Laboratory data.   U95HEN02IDUS
Henderson L., Nels A., Macbr J.F.  1995.  Habitat conservation assessment for slick-spot peppergrass (Lepidium papilliferum) and woven-pore lichen (Texosporium sancti-jacobi).   U95HEN03IDUS
Hessl A., Spackman S..  1995.  Effects of fire on threatened and endangered plants: an annotated bibliography. USDI National Biological Service Information and Technology Report 2.   U95HES01IDUS
Hill J..  1995.  Vegetation analysis and botanical survey for Wapshilla Ridge Research Natural Area/ Area of Critical Environmental Concern.   U95HIL01IDUS
Holthuijzen A.MA.  1975.  An investigation of colonial waterbirds in the Hagerman study area.   U95HOL01IDUS
Holthuijzen A.MA.  1975.  An investigation of threatened and endangered animal species, candidate species, and species of special concern in the Hagerman study area.   U95HOL02IDUS
Hutto R.L..  1995.  Northern Region landbird monitoring program. [Cover: USFS Northern Region Songbird Monitoring Program: distribution and habitat relationships.].   U95HUT01IDUS