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Etzler FE, Wanner KW, Morales-Rodriguez A, Ivie MA.  2014.  DNA barcoding to improve the species-level management of wireworms (Coleoptera: Elateridae).  Journal of Economic Entomology.  107(4):1476-1485.  Available from A14ETZ01IDUS
Furey P.C, Kupferberg S.J, Lind A.J.  2014.  The perils of unpalatable periphyton: Didymosphenia and other mucilaginous stalked diatoms as food for tadpoles.  Diatom Research.  29(3):1-14.  Available from A14FUR01IDUS
Fürst M.A, McMahon D.P, Osborne J.L, Paxton R.J, Brown M.JF.  2014.  Disease associations between honeybees and bumblebees as a threat to wild pollinators.  Nature.  506(7488):364-366+supplementalonline.  Available from A14FUR02IDUS
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  2014.  Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; 6-month extension of final determination for the proposed listing of the distinct population segment of the North American wolverine occurring in the contiguous United States as a threatened species.  Federal Register.  79(24):6874-6875.  Available from A14FWS01IDUS
U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  2014.  Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants; review of native species that are candidates or proposed for listing as endangered or threatened; annual notice of findings on resubmitted petitions; annual description of progress on listing actions.  Federal Register.  79(234):72450–72497.  Available from A14FWS02IDUS
Gates K.K, Kerans B.L.  2014.  Habitat use of an endemic mollusc assemblage in a hydrologically altered reach of the Snake River, Idaho, USA.  River Research and Applications.  30(8):976–986. A14GAT01IDUS
Giraudeau M, Mousel M, Earl S, McGraw K.  2014.  Parasites in the city: degree of urbanization predicts poxvirus and coccidian infections in House Finches (Haemorhous mexicanus).  PLoS ONE.  9(2):e86747.  Available from A14GIR01IDUS
Gordon R, Brunson MW, Shindler B.  2014.  Acceptance, acceptability, and trust for sagebrush restoration options in the Great Basin: a longitudinal perspective.  Rangeland Ecology & Management.  67(5):573-583. A14GOR01IDUS
Griswold T, Gonzalez VH, Ikerd H.  2014.  AnthWest, occurrence records for wool carder bees of the genus Anthidium (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae, Anthidiini) in the Western Hemisphere.  ZooKeys.  408:31–49. A14GRI01IDUS
Grubbs SA, Baumann RW, R. DeWalt E, Tweddale T.  2014.  A review of the Nearctic genus Prostoia (Ricker) (Plecoptera, Nemouridae), with the description of a new species and a surprising range extension for P. hallasi Kondratieff & Kirchner.  ZooKeys.  401:11-30.  Available from A14GRU01IDUS
Guerra PA, Gegear RJ, Reppert SM.  2014.  A magnetic compass aids monarch butterfly migration.  Nature Communications.  5:4164.  Available from A14GUE01IDUS
Haig SM, D'Elia J, Eagles-Smith C, Fair JM, Gervais J, Herring G, Rivers JW, Schulz JH.  2014.  The persistent problem of lead poisoning in birds from ammunition and fishing tackle.  Condor.  116(3):408–428.  Available from A14HAI01IDUS
Hallmann CA, Foppen RPB, van Turnhout CAM, de Kroon H, Jongejans E.  2014.  Declines in insectivorous birds are associated with high neonicotinoid concentrations.  Nature.  511(7509):341-343plusfiguresandtables.  Available from, A14HAL01IDUS
Hershler R, Liu H-P, Howard J.  2014.  Springsnails: a new conservation focus in western North America.  BioScience.  64(8):693-700.  Available from A14HER01IDUS
Howe KB, Coates PS, Delehanty DJ.  2014.  Selection of anthropogenic features and vegetation characteristics by nesting common ravens in the sagebrush ecosystem.  Condor.  116(1):35-49.  Available from A14HOW01IDUS
Huso MMP, Dalthorp D.  2014.  Accounting for unsearched areas in estimating wind turbine-caused fatality.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  78(2):347–358.  Available from A14HUS01IDUS
Jochimsen D.M, Peterson C.R, Harmon L.J.  2014.  Influence of ecology and landscape on snake road mortality in a sagebrush-steppe ecosystem.  Animal Conservation.  17(6):583–592.  Available from A14JOC01IDUS
Jolles DD, Wilson CA.  2014.  Pyrola crypta: a Pacific Northwest species belonging to the Pyrola picta species complex.  Taxon.  63(4):789–800. A14JOL01IDUS
C. Knisley B, Kippenhan M, Brzoska D.  2014.  Conservation status of United States tiger beetles.  Terrestrial Arthropod Reviews.  7(2-4):93-145.  Available from A14KNI01IDUS
Lemoine M, Young MK, McKelvey KS, Eby L, Pilgrim KL, Schwartz MK.  2014.  Cottus schitsuumsh, a new species of sculpin (Scorpaeniformes: Cottidae) in the Columbia River basin, Idaho–Montana, USA.  Zootaxa.  3755(3):241–258.  Available from A14LEM01IDUS
McNeill RP.  2014.  Lomatium swingerae: a new species of Lomatium (Umbelliferae) from the Joseph Plains, Idaho, U.S.A.  Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas.  8:395-401. A14MCN01IDUS
Metzler EH, Brown JW.  2014.  An updated check list of the Cochylina (Tortricidae, Tortricinae, Euliini) of North America north of Mexico including Greenland, with comments on classification and identification.  Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society.  68(4):274–282.  Available from A14MET01IDUS
Miller A.L, Makowsky R.A, Formanowicz D.R, Prendini L., Cox C.L.  2014.  Cryptic genetic diversity and complex phylogeography of the boreal North American scorpion, Paruroctonus boreus (Vaejovidae).  Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution.  71:298-307.  Available from A14MIL01IDUS
National Marine Fisheries Service.  2014.  Endangered and threatened wildlife; final rule to revise the Code of Federal Regulations for species under the jurisdiction of the National Marine Fisheries Service.  Federal Register.  :20802-20817.  Available from A14NMF01IDUS
Olson LE, Sauder JD, Albrecht NM, Vinkey RS, Cushman SA, Schwartz MK.  2014.  Modeling the effects of dispersal and patch size on predicted fisher (Pekania [Martes] pennanti) distribution in the U.S. Rocky Mountains.  Biological Conservation.  169:89-98.  Available from A14OLS01IDUS