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Koerner SE, Collins SL, Blair JM, Knapp AK, Smith MD.  2013.  Rainfall variability has minimal effects on grassland recovery from repeated grazing.  Journal of Vegetation Science.  :9pp.. A13KOE01IDUS
Kulakowski D, Kaye MW, Kashian DM.  2013.  Long-term aspen cover change in the western US.  Forest and Ecology Management.  299:52-59.  Available from A13KUL01IDUS
Lavin M, Brummer TJ, Quire R, Maxwell BD, Rew LJ.  2013.  Physical disturbance shapes vascular plant diversity more profoundly than fire in the sagebrush steppe of southeastern Idaho, U.S.A..  Ecology and Evolution.  3(5):16pp.. A13LAV01IDUS
Lawes TJ, Anthony RG, W. Robinson D, Forbes JT, Lorton GA.  2013.  Movements and settlement site selection of pygmy rabbits after experimental translocation.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  77(6):1170–1181. A13LAW01IDUS
Lefcort H, Wehner EA, Cocco PL.  2013.  Pre-exposure to heavy metal pollution and the odor of predation decrease the ability of snails to avoid stressors.  Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology.  64(2):273–280. A13LEF01IDUS
Lendemer JC.  2013.  Thelomma ocellatum, a range extension to the Yukon Territory and case study in the use of molecular data to recognize asexually reproducing crustose lichens.  North American Fungi.  8:Pp.1-13. A13LEN01IDUS
Light JE, Hafner JC, Upham NS, Reddington E.  2013.  Conservation genetics of kangaroo mice, genus Microdipodops.  Journal of Mammalian Evolution.  20(2):129-146.  Available from A13LIG01IDUS
Liu H-P, Walsh J, Hershler R.  2013.  Taxonomic clarification and phylogeography of Fluminicola coloradensis Morrison, a widely ranging western North American pebblesnail.  Monographs of the Western North American Naturalist.  6(1):87-110.  Available from A13LIU01IDUS
Lohr K, Yensen E, Munger JC, Novak SJ.  2013.  Relationship between habitat characteristics and densities of southern Idaho ground squirrels.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  77(5):983-993.  Available from A13LOH01IDUS
Loss SR, Will T, Marra PP.  2013.  Estimates of bird collision mortality at wind facilities in the contiguous United States.  Biological Conservation.  168:201-209.  Available from, plus 5 links to supplementary data A13LOS01IDUS
Louhaichi M, Pyke DA, Shaff SE, Johnson DE.  2013.  Monitoring restoration impacts to endemic plant communities in soil inclusions of arid environments.  International Journal of Agriculture and Biology.  15(4):767-771.  Available from A13LOU01IDUS
May ML.  2013.  A critical overview of progress in studies of migration of dragonflies (Odonata: Anisoptera), with emphasis on North America.  Journal of Insect Conservation.  17(1):1-15.  Available from A13MAY01IDUS
McClure CJW, Ware HE, Carlisle J, Kaltenecker G, Barber JR.  2013.  An experimental investigation into the effects of traffic noise on distributions of birds: avoiding the phantom road.  Proceedings of the Royal Society B.  280(1773):20132290.  Available from, supp material at A13MCC01IDUS
Messmer TA, Hasenyager R, Burruss J, Liguori S.  2013.  Stakeholder contemporary knowledge needs regarding the potential effects of tall structures on sage-grouse.  Human–Wildlife Interactions.  7(2):273-298.  Available from A13MES01IDUS
Millsap BA, Zimmerman GS, Sauer JR, Nielson RM, Otto M, Bjerre E, Murphy R.  2010.  Golden eagle population trends in the western United States: 1968–2010.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  77(7):1436–1448.  Available from A13MIL01IDUS
Mouillot D, Bellwood DR, Baraloto C, Chave J, Galzin R, Harmelin-Vivien M, Kulbicki M, Lavergne S, Lavorel S, Mouquet N et al..  2013.  Rare species support vulnerable functions in high-diversity ecosystems.  PLoS Biology.  11:11p. A13MOU01IDUS
Nelson M.E, Macbride J.F.  1913.  Western plant studies II.  Botanical Gazette.  56:469-479. A13NEL01IDUS
Nelson M.E, Macbride J.F.  1913.  Western plant studies I.  Botanical Gazette.  55:372-383. A13NEL02IDUS
Nesom GL.  2013.  Three new species of Diplacus (Phrymaceae) related to D. Cusickii and D. Nanus.  Phytoneuron.  (65):1-18.  Available from A13NES01IDUS
Nesom GL.  2013.  Taxonomic notes on Diplacus (Phrymaceae).  Phytoneuron.  (66):1-8.  Available from A13NES02IDUS
Parks SA, McKelvey KS, Schwartz MK.  2013.  Effects of weighting schemes on the identification of wildlife corridors generated with least-cost methods.  Conservation Biology.  27(1):145–154. A13PAR01IDUS
Patil V.P, Morrison S.F, Karels T.J, Hik D.S.  2013.  Winter weather versus group thermoregulation: what determines survival in hibernating mammals? Oecologia.  173(1):139-149. A13PAT01IDUS
Pierce DW, Cayan DR.  2013.  The uneven response of different snow measures to human-induced climate warming.  Journal of Climate.  26(12):4148-4167. A13PIE01IDUS
Polgar CA, Primack RB, Williams EH, Stichter S, Hitchcock C.  2013.  Climate effects on the flight period of Lycaenid butterflies in Massachusetts.  Biological Conservation.  160:25-31. A13POL01IDUS
Reisner MD, Grace JB, Pyke DA, Doescher PS.  2013.  Conditions favouring Bromus tectorum dominance of endangered sagebrush steppe ecosystems.  Journal of Applied Ecology.  :11pp.. A13REI01IDUS