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Newbold T.AScott.  2005.  Desert horned lizard (Phyrnosoma platyrhinos) locomotor performance: the influence of cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum).  Southwestern Naturalist.  50:17-23.  Available from A05NEW01IDUS
Ouellet M, Mikaelian I, Pauli BD, Rodrigue J, Green DM.  2005.  Historical evidence of widespread chytrid infection in North American amphibian populations.  Conservation Biology.  19(5):1431-1440.  Available from A05OUE01IDUS
Patla SM.  2005.  Monitoring results of the northern goshawk nesting areas in the greater Yellowstone ecosystem: Is decline in occupancy related to habitat change? Journal of Raptor Research.  39(3):324-334. A05PAT01IDUS
Pimentel D, Zuniga R, Morrison D.  2005.  Update on the environmental and economic costs associated with alien-invasive species in the United States.  Ecological Economics.  52(2005):273–288.  Available from A05PIM01IDUS
Pyke CR, Marty J.  2005.  Cattle grazing mediates climate change impacts on ephemeral wetlands.  Conservation Biology.  19(5):1619–1625.  Available from A05PYK01IDUS
Rachlow JL, Sanchez DM, Estes-Zumpf WA.  2005.  Natal burrows and nests of free-ranging pygmy rabbits (Brachylagus idahoensis).  Western North American Naturalist.  65(1):136–139.  Available from A05RAC01IDUS
Rancourt SJ, Rule MI, O'Connell MA.  2005.  Maternity roost site selection of long-eared myotis, Myotis evotis.  Journal of Mammalogy.  86(1):77-84.  Available from A05RAN01NAUS
Roberts RP, Urbatsch LE, Neubig KM.  2005.  Nestotus and Toiyabea, two new genera of Asteraceae: Astereae from the western United States and Canada.  Sida.  21(3):1647-1655. A05ROB01IDUS
Roberts RP, Urbatsch LE, Anderson J.  2005.  New species and new combinations in Ericameria (Asteraceae: Astereae).  Sida.  21(3):1557-1564. A05ROB02IDUS
Robertson I.C, D. Maguire K.  2005.  Crab spiders deter insect visitations to slickspot peppergrass flowers.  Oikos.  109:577-582. A05ROB03IDUS
Rodhouse TJ, McCaffrey MF, Wright R.G.  2005.  Distribution, foraging behavior, and capture results of the spotted bat (Euderma maculatum) in central Oregon.  Western North American Naturalist.  65(2):215-222.  Available from A05ROD01IDUS
D. Rogers C.  2005.  A new genus and species of chirocephalid fairy shrimp (Crustacea: Branchiopoda: Anostraca) from Mongolia.  Zootaxa.  997:1-10. A05ROG01IDUS
Rosentreter R.  2005.  Sagebrush Identification, Ecology, and Palatability Relative to Sage-Grouse.  Proceedings RMRS-P-38.  :3-16. A05ROS01IDUS
J. Scott M, Goble DD, Wiens JA, Wilcove DS, Bean M, Male T.  2005.  Recovery of imperiled species under the Endangered Species Act: the need for a new approach.  Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.  3(7):383-389.  Available from A05SCO01IDUS
Severns PM.  2005.  Response of a terrestrial mollusc community to an autumn prescribed burn in a rare wetland prairie of western Oregon, USA.  Journal of Molluscan Studies.  71(2):181–187.  Available from A05SEV01IDUS
Soberón J, A. Peterson T.  2005.  Interpretation of models of fundamental ecological niches and species' distributional areas.  Biodiversity Informatics.  2:1-10.  Available from A05SOB01IDUS
Stewart IT, Cayan DR, Dettinger MD.  2005.  Changes toward earlier streamflow timing across western North America.  Journal of Climate.  18(8):1136-1155.  Available from A05STE01IDUS
Suding K.N, Collins S.L, Gough L., Clark C., Cleland E.E, Gross K.L, Milchunas D.G, Pennings S..  2005.  Functional and abundance-based mechanisms explain diversity loss due to N fertilization.   A05SUD01IDUS
Tear T.H, Kareiva P., Angermeier P.L, Comer P., Czech B., Kautz R., Landon L., Mehlman D., Murphy K., Ruckelshaus M. et al..  Submitted.  How much is enough? The recurrent problem of setting measurable objectives in conservation Bioscience.  55(10):835-849. A05TEA01IDUS
Thomson D..  2005.  Measuring the effects of invasive species on the demography of a rare endemic plant.  Biological Invasions.  7:615-624. A05THO01IDUS
Turgeon J, Stoks R, Thum RA, Brown JM, McPeek MA.  2005.  Simultaneous Quaternary radiations of three damselfly clades across the Holarctic.  American Naturalist.  165(4):E78-E107.  Available from A05TUR01IDUS
Urbatsch L.E, Roberts R.P, Newbig K.M.  2005.  Cuniculotinus and Lorandersonia, two new genera of Asteraceae: Astereae and new combinations in Chrysothamnus.   A05URB01IDUS
Wente WH, Adams MJ, Pearl C.A.  2005.  Evidence of decline for Bufo boreas and Rana luteiventris in and around the northern Great Basin, western USA.  Alytes.  22(3-4):95-108.  Available from A05WEN01IDUS
Wilson B.L, Hipkins V.D, Rey-Vizgirdas E., Kaye T.K.  2005.  Variation in Lewisa kelloggii (Portulacaceae) with a description of a new species endemic to Idaho.  Western North America Naturalist.  65(3):345-358. A05WIL01IDUS
Willis C.K.R., Brigham R.M.  2005.  Physiological and ecological aspects of roost selection by reproductive female hoary bats (Lasiurus cinereus).  Journal of Mammalogy.  86:85-94. A05WIL01NAUS