Bibliography and Citations

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Carpenter G.P.  1994.  Abstract, Effects of food availability on breeding American kestrels in southwestern Idaho.  Journal of Raptor Research.  28(1):54.
Carpenter W.  Submitted.  No description.  Carpenter, William.  
Carpenter L.B.  1990.  Idaho wildlife viewing guide.
Carpenter L.  2003.  Rare Animal Observation Report Form. Pygmy Rabbit.  
Carpenter C.  2014.  Idaho rare plant obervation report forms, photos and shapefile for Lepidium papilliferum at East Swan Falls Rd., EO-18, July and August 2014.  
Carpenter C.  2023.  Pediocactus simpsonii RPOR.  
Carr R.L.  1974.  A new species of Hackelia (Boraginaceae) from Oregon.  Madrono.  22:390-392.
Carraway LN, Verts B.J.  2002.  Geographic variation in pelage color of piñon mice (Peromyscus truei) in the northern Great Basin and environs.  Western North American Naturalist.  62(4):458-465.  Available from
Carreker R.G.  1985.  Habitat suitability index models: snowshoe hare.  
Carreker R.G.  1985.  Habitat suitability index models: least tern.  
Carrel WK, Ockenfels RA, Schweinsburg RE.  1999.  An evaluation of annual migration patterns of the Paunsaugunt mule deer herd between Utah and Arizona.  Research Branch Technical Report.  
Carrigan T..  Submitted.  Professional background information.  Carrigan, Tim..  
Carroll M., Elmore T., DeBolt A..  1995.  Owyhee Front Management Area special status plant inventory.  
Carroll C.  2007.  Interacting effects of climate change, landscape conversion, and harvest on carnivore populations at the range margin: marten and lynx in the northern Appalachians.  Conservation Biology.  21(4):1092-1104.  Available from
Carroll R., al. et.  1996.  Strengthening the use of science in achieving the goals of the Endangered Species Act: an assessment by the Ecological Society of America.  Ecological Applications.  6(1):1-11.
Carsey K., Kittel G., Decker K., Cooper D.J, Culver D..  2003.  Field guide to the wetland and riparian plant associations of Colorado. Fort Collins (CO): Colorado Natural Heritage Program.  
Carson E.G.  1992.  Letter from E. Gary Carson, Jarbidge Resource Area Manager, to Dr. Charles Lobdell, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, requesting a species list and initiation of informal consultation under Section 7 (ESA) for a fencing project at Bruneau Dunes State Park.  
Carstens B..  2003.  Looseleaf notebook sent to Karla Drewsen, IDFG, and containing Idaho Dept. of Fish and Game scientific collecting permit mandatory report forms pertaining to Carstens' 2003 Dicamptodon survey sites. Includes CD.  
Carstens B.C, Degenhardt J.D, Stevenson A.L, Sullivan J..  2005.  Accounting for coalescent stochasticity in testing phylogeographical hypotheses: modelling Pleistocene population structure in the Idaho giant Salamander Dicamptodon aterrimus.  Molecular Ecology.  14(1):255-265.  Available from
Carstens B., Sullivan J..  2003.  Excel spreadsheet of 2002 and 2003 field observations of Plethodon idahoensis and Dicamptodon aterrimus contained in two worksheets.  
Carter M.F, Hunter W.C, Pashley D.N, Bradley J.S, Price J., Butcher G.S.  1996.  Setting landbird conservation priorities for states and physiographic regions within the U.S. DRAFT.  Carter, [M.], [?] Hunter, [D. N.] Pashley, [?] Bradley, [?] Price, and [?] Butcher. [1995 or 1996.] Setting landbird conservation priorities for states and physiographic regions within the U.S. DRAFT. Report to U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U. S. Fores.  
Carter M.F, Barker K..  1993.  An interactive database for setting conservation priorities for western neotropical migrants.  
Carter J..  1988.  Element stewardship abstract for Bartramia longicauda (upland sandpiper, formerly upland plover).  
Caruso L.B.  1988.  Biological evaluation for Calamagrostis tweedyi in the Dry Meadows Planning Area and the Jungle Ridge Timber Sale on the Naches Ranger District of the Wenatchee National Forest.  
Cary SJ, Jacobi GZ.  2008.  Zoogeographic affinities of the southwestern USA Plecoptera. International advances in the ecology, zoogeography, and systematics of mayflies and stoneflies.  Entomology Volume 28.  F. Hauer R, Stanford JArthur, Jacobi GZ, editors. Berkeley: University of California Press.   p. 133-157.  Available from