Bibliography and Citations

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Browse Revegetation Committee.  1956.  Western browse research - a summary of findings on browse revegetation problems.  
Browse Revegetation Committee.  1958.  Western browse research - a summary of findings on browse revegetation problems.  
Browse Revegetation Committee.  1956.  Western browse research - a summary of findings on browse revegetation problems.  
Bruce C..  1976.  Kit fox observations, reports, and specimens taken in Oregon.  
Brues C.T.  1932.  Further studies on the fauna of North American hot springs.  Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.  67:186-303.
Brumfield B.M, Evans D.K, Brant A.E.  1982.  Additions to the wetland flora of West Virginia.  Castanea.  47(2):179-181.
Brun J.M, Box T.W.  1963.  A comparison of line intercepts and random point frames for sampling desert shrub vegetation.  Journal of Range Management.  16:21-25.
Bruner L..  1890.  New North American Acrididae, found north of the Mexican boundary. 12.  
Bruner A.D, Klebenow D.A.  1979.  Predicting success of prescribed fires in pinyon-juniper woodlands in Nevada.  
Brunner J.D.  1988.  Procedures for managing research, studies, and monitoring in the Snake River Birds of Prey Area.  
Brunsfeld S., Brunsfeld P., Henderson D.M.  1979.  A survey of the rare plants of the Challis National Forest, Yankee Fork District with recommendations and management implications.  
Brunsfeld S., Caicco S., Henderson D.M.  1983.  Noteworthy collections. Idaho.  Madroño.  30:64.
Brunsfeld S.  Submitted.  Professional background information.  Brunsfeld, Steve..  
Brunsfeld S.J, Nesom G.L.  1989.  Erigeron salmonensis (Asteraceae), a rare new species from Idaho.  Brittonia.  41(4):424-428.
Brunsfeld SJ, Sullivan J.  2005.  A multi-compartmented glacial refugium in the northern Rocky Mountains: Evidence from the phylogeography of Cardamine constancei (Brassicaceae).  Conservation Genetics.  6(6):895-904.  Available from
Brunsfeld S.J, Johnson F.D.  1985.  Field guide to the willows of east-central Idaho.  
Brunsfeld S.J.  1981.  Alpine flora of east-central Idaho.  :205pp.
Brunsfeld S.J, Rieseberg L.H.  1993.  Genetic differentiation among coastal and relict Rocky Mountain populations of Cornus nuttallii: comparing results from isozymes and RAPDs.  American Journal of Botany.  80(6):134.
Brunsfeld S.J, Johnson F.D.  1986.  Notes on Betula ser. Humiles (Betulaceae) in Idaho.  Madrono.  33:147-148.
Brunton D.F.  1986.  Status of the giant helleborine, Epipactis gigantea (Orchidaceae), in Canada.   The Canadian Field-Naturalist.  100(3):414-417.
Brush T, Anderson BW, Ohmart RD.  1983.  Habitat selection related to resource availability among cavity-nesting birds. Snag habitat management: proceedings of the symposium; 1983 Jun 7–9; Flagstaff, AZ.  Davis J.W, Goodwin G.A, Ockenfels R.A, editors. Fort Collins (CO): U. S. Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station.   p. 88-98.  Available from
Brussard P., Merideth S., Beever E..  2003.  Draft pygmy rabbit (Brachylagus idahoensis) species profile.  
Brussard P., Merideth S., Beever E..  Submitted.  Pygmy rabbit (Brachylagus idahoensis) annotated bibliography.  
Brust GE.  1990.  Direct and indirect effects of four herbicides on the activity of carabid beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae).  Pesticide Science.  30(3):309-320.
Bryan T, Forsman ED.  1987.  Distribution, abundance, and habitat of great gray owls in southcentral Oregon.  Murrelet.  68(2):45-49.