2012 Special Status Plant Surveys-Boardman to Hemingway Transmission Line Project

Publication Type:



Tetra Tech, Boise, p.11 p. + maps and appendixes (2012)

Call Number:



Idaho Power Company is proposing a new electrical transmission line project between northeast Oregon and southwest Idaho. The Project would result in disturbances related to the construction of permanent facilities, such as transmission tower pads, substations, communication sites, and permanent access roads, as well as temporary disturbances related to multiuse areas, tensioning sites, and temporary access roads. To help determine the degree of impact that could occur from the construction of these Project components, the presence of Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and U.S. Forest Service (USFS) listed sensitive plant species; U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) listed threatened, endangered, proposed, and candidate plant species; and Oregon
state-listed threatened and endangered species, collectively referred to here as special-status plant (SSP) species, within the proposed Project right-of-way (ROW) are required to be evaluated. Surveys of SSP species were implemented to supplement existing data. Field surveys could not be conducted in all suitable habitats crossed by the Project because IPC does not currently have access to all private land crossed by the proposed route.


Shelf Note: Electronic Files - BOTONY - Multiple Species