Bibliography and Citations

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Wyrwoll T..  1977.  The hunting tendency of the goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) in relation to the nesting place.  Journal of Ornithology.  118:21-34.
Wyoming Rare Plant Technical Committee.  1994.  Wyoming rare plant field guide.  
Wyoming Natural Diversity Database.  1997.  Wyoming plant and animal species of special concern.  
Wyoming Natural Diversity Database.  1992.  Plant species of special concern.  
Wyoming Natural Diversity Database.  2014.  Data compilation for Data Requesters - Unpublished report - Wyoming plant data in counties adjacent to Idaho.  
Wyoming Interagency Vegetation Committee.  2002.  Wyoming guidelines for managing sagebrush communities with emphasis on fire management.    Available from
Wyoming Gap Analysis.  0.  Terrestrial vertebrate species map atlas: birds.  
Wyoming Gap Analysis.  0.  Terrestrial vertebrate species map atlas: amphibians, reptiles, and mammals.  
Wyoming Gap Analysis.  0.  Terrestrial vertebrate species map atlas: amphibians and reptiles.  
Wyman L.E.  1912.  Oreortyx in Idaho.  Auk.  29(4):538-539.  Available from
Wylie G.D, Casazza M.L, Carpenter M..  2003.  Diet of bullfrogs in relation to predation on giant garter snakes at Colusa National Wildlife Refuge.  California Fish and Game.  89(3):139-145.
Wunderle, Jr. J.M.  1995.  Population characteristics of black-throated blue warblers wintering in three sites on Puerto Rico.  Auk.  112:931-946.
Wuerthner G..  1992.  No hoe for snails.  Defenders.  67(3):8-14.
Wu S-K.  1978.  The Bivalvia of Colorado, Part 1. The fingernail and pill clams (Family Sphaeriidae.  University of Colorado Museum, Natural History Inventory of Colorado.  2:1-39.
Wu S-K, Brandauer nE.  1982.  Type specimens of recent Mollusca in the University of Colorado Museum.  University of Colorado Museum, Natural History Inventory of Colorado.  7:1-47.
Wright E..  1989.  Letter dated 25 April describing great gray owl sightings at Summit View Campground, NW of Georgetown, Idaho.