Bibliography and Citations
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Copulatory behavior of the American bittern BOTAURUS LENTIGINOSUS. Auk. 97:868-869.
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1991. Professional background information. John, Tom..
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1994. Notes on northwestern ferns. American Fern Journal. 19(1):11-16.
1929. The effect of torrential rains on the reproductive cycle of RHINICHTHYS OSCULUS in the Chiricahua Mountians, Arizona. Copeia. 1963:286-91.
1963. Cryptogamic crusts of semiarid and arid lands in North America. J. Phycol.. 29:140-147.
1993. Factors influencing the road mortality of snakes on the Upper Snake River Plain, Idaho. Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Ecology and Transportation. San Diego: North Carolina State University, Center for Transportation and the Environment. p. 351-365. Available from,
2006. A literature review of the effects of roads on amphibians and reptiles and the measures used to minimize those effects. Final Draft. Available from
2004. Influence of ecology and landscape on snake road mortality in a sagebrush-steppe ecosystem. Animal Conservation. 17(6):583–592. Available from
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2003. Home ranges of prairie voles as determined by radiotracking and by powdertracking. Journal of Mammalogy. 69:183-186.
1988. Niche shifting in response to warming climate after the last glacial maximum: inference from genetic data and niche assessments in the chisel-toothed kangaroo rat (Dipodomys microps). Global Change Biology. 17(11):3486-3502.
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1993. New stoneflies (Plecoptera) from western North America. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada. 11(5):543-549.
1954. Mountain quail [subsection]. Seattle (WA): University of Washington Press. p. 225-227.
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1929. The stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Pacific Northwest. Oregon State Monographs. Studies in Entomology; No. 3. Corvallis: Oregon State College. Available from