Bibliography and Citations
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Erioderma pedicellatum in North America: A case study of a rare and endangered lichen. Proceedings of the Nova Scotia Institute of Science. 30:69-87.
1980. Studies on the taxonomy and distribution of Sphagnum IV: Sphagnum majus, Sphagnum annulatum, Sphagnum mendocinum, and Sphagnum obtusum in North America. Nova Hedwigia. 14:187-214.
1967. Reproductive biology of female rattlesnakes (CROTALUS VIRIDIS) in British Columbia. Copeia. 1988:47-57.
1988. Habitat used by shrews in southeastern Montana. Northwest Science. 59(1):24-27. Available from
1985. Herbaceous vegetation of habitat used by blacktail jackrabbits and Nuttall cottontails in southeastern Idaho. American Midland Naturalist. 107(1):180-184.
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1992. Seasonal foods of coyotes in southeastern Idaho: a multivariate analysis. Great Basin Naturalist. 42(1):45-49. Available from
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1990. Relationships among grizzly bears, roads and habitat in the Swan Mountains, Montana. Journal of Applied Ecology. 33(6):1395-1404. Available from
1996. Estimating grizzly bear population size using camera sightings. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 22:74-83.
1994. Physiological-environmental interactions in lichens. XIV. The environmental control of glucose movement from alga to fungus in Peltigera polydactyla, P. rufescens and Collema furfuraceum. New Phyotologist. 91:93-101.
1982. Native orchids of Kansas. Transaction of the Kansas Academy of Science. 74(3-4):287-309.
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1986. Invasion of Bromus tectorum L. into western North America: an ecological chronicle. Agro-Ecosystems. 7:145-165.
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2009. The demography of Bromus tectorum: variation in time and space. Journal of Ecology. 71(1):69-93. Available from
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