Bibliography and Citations

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Arft A.M.  1994.  The genetics, ecology, and conservation management of the rare orchid Spiranthes diluvialis.  
Argue C.L.  1986.  Some taxonomic implications of pollen and seed morphology in Mimulus hymenophyllus and M. jungermannioides and comparisons with other putative members of the M. moschatus alliance (Scrophulariaceae).  Canadian Journal of Botany.  64(7):1331-1337.
Argus GW.  1957.  The willows of Wyoming.  University of Wyoming Publications.  21(1):1-63.
Argus G.W.  1965.  The taxonomy of the Salix glauca complex in North America. Contributions from the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University. No. 196.  
Argus G.W, Pryer K.M.  1990.  Rare vascular plants in Canada: our natural heritage.
Arjo WM, Gese EM, Bennett TJ, Kozlowski AJ.  2007.  Changes in kit fox-coyote-prey relationships in the Great Basin Desert, Utah.  Western North American Naturalist.  67(3):389-401.  Available from
Armbruster M.J.  1987.  Habitat suitability index models: greater sandhill crane.  
Armbruster M.  Submitted.  Professional Background Information.  Armbruster, Mark.  
Armbruster M.J.  1990.  Characterization of habitat used by whooping cranes during migration.  
Armentrout D.J, Bush. D.M.  2002.  Preliminary habitat analysis for pygmy rabbit (Brachylagus idahoensis) within the Modoc Plateau Region of the Great Basin Province of northeastern California and a portion of northwestern Nevada.  
Arms W.  Submitted.  Professional Background Information.  Arms, Walt.  
Armstrong K..  2001.  Proposal to remove Mimulus patulus from the State list of threatened species.  
Armstrong R.L.  1968.  Mantled gneiss domes in the Albion Range, southern Idaho.  Geological Society of America Bulletin.  79:1295-1314.
Armstrong D.M, J. Jones, Jr. K.  1971.  Sorex merriami.  Mammalian Species.  2:1-2.
Armstrong D.M, Adams R.A, Navo K.W, Freeman J., Bissell S.J.  Submitted.  Bats of Colorado: shadows in the night.
Armstrong J.D.  1969.  Vegetation of the Virgin Mountains, Clark County, Nevada.  
Armstrong J..  1999.  Spiranthes diluvialis EORs for Colorado.  
Armstrong D.P.  1987.  Economics of breeding territoriality in male calliope hummingbirds.  Auk.  104:242-253.
Arnaud, Jr. PH.  1978.  A host-parasite catalog of North American Tachinidae (Diptera). Miscellaneous Publication No. 1319.  Hyattsville (MD): USDA Science and Education Administration (SEA).    Available from
Arnett EB, W. Brown K, Erickson WP, Fiedler JK, Hamilton BL, Henry TH, Jain A, Johnson GD, Kerns J, Koford RR et al..  2008.  Patterns of bat fatalities at wind energy facilities in North America.  Journal of Wildlife Management.  72(1):61-78.  Available from
Arnett E.B, Haufler. J.B.  2003.  A customer-based framework for funding priority research on bats and their habitats.  Wildlife Society Bulletin.  31(1):98-103.
Arnett EB, Huso MMP, Schirmacher MR, Hayes JP.  2011.  Altering turbine speed reduces bat mortality at wind-energy facilities.  Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.  9(4):209–214.  Available from,
Arno S., Wellner C., D. Henderson HD., Johnson J..  1998.  Species list for Salmon Mountain Research Natural Area, Bitterroot National Forest, Idaho County, Idaho.  
Arno S.F.  1985.  Ecological effects and management implications of Indian fires. INT-182.  
Arno S.F, Reinhardt E.D, Scott J.H.  1993.  Forest structure and landscape patterns in the subalpine lodgepole pine type: a procedure for quantifying past and present conditions.