Bibliography and Citations
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Lepidium papilliferum technical team meeting notes. January 24, 2006.
2006. .
0. .
1987. .
2000. .
0. Candystick plant conservation strategy mapped by GIS. ARC News. 18(4):16.
1996. .
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0. The genus Dodecatheon Linnaeus in British Columbia. Davidsonia. 6(1):7-13.
1975. .
0. Species: water howellia. Conservation Biology. 9(4):723.
1995. .
1991. .
0. Statement of policy relative to the setting aside of privately owned lands as natural areas. Journal of Forestry. 59(12):Notpaged.
1961. .
2005. The mountain quail: notes on the life history of this rapidly decreasing Oregon game bird. Oregon Sportsman. 3(3):57-60.
1915. .
1992. .
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1995. .
2005. .
1992. .
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