Idaho Wetland Conservation Strategy, Version 1.0

Publication Type:



Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Boise, Idaho, p.227 (2008)

Call Number:



Idaho’s wetlands are essential, but declining natural resources that provide valuable services to society and vital habitat for hundreds of species. As of 2005, Idaho lacked a strategic document for wetland conservation. To address this need, the Idaho Wetlands Working Group (IWWG) was organized on the recommendations of a focus group led by Sara Biggers (BSU) exploring and identifying wetland issues in Idaho. The IWWG included governmental, industry, consulting, tribal, non-profit, and private organizations. Needs and issues were identified and in 2006 a collaborative process to develop the Idaho Wetland Conservation Strategy began. Funded by US Environmental Protection Agency Wetland Program Development Grants, with matching support from non-federal IWWG members, this process has produced a recommended framework for conserving Idaho’s wetlands. <br>

The Strategy addresses: wetland types and distribution; inventory and mapping extent; existing assessment / monitoring data; functions and ecological services; stressors and threats; conservation and restoration efforts; invasive species management; data distribution; funding mechanisms; state wetland coordinator position; classification, inventory, assessment, and monitoring needs; and restoration / enhancement guidelines <br>


Reference Code: U08IWW01IDUS <br>

Full Citation: Idaho Wetlands Working Group. 2008. Idaho Wetland Conservation Strategy, Version 1.0. Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Boise, ID. <br>


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