Winter bat surveys of the abandoned mines in Elkhorn Canyon, on the Malad Ranger District of the Caribou National Forest

Publication Type:



p.18 (1996)

Call Number:



bushy-tailed woodrat, Corynorhinus townsendii, Neotoma cinerea, Townsend's Big-Eared Bat


To aid the Caribou National Forest in its efforts to prepare for the closure of abandoned mines in the near future and simultaneously to manage former Category 2 (C2) bat species, abandoned adits on the Malad Ranger District, Idaho, were surveyed and evaluated in terms of their potential as bat roosts during the winter season. The sites of seven adits on the Malad Ranger District, Idaho, were visited in winter 1996. Of these adits, four were collapsed and three were inspected internally for bats. Two of these adits were recommended for a bat-compatible grate, and one was recommended for additional monitoring externally at night during the warm season. Two adits were found to be used during the warm season by bats, and one of these contained two hibernating Townsend's big-eared bats (C. townsendii).


ELECTRONIC FILE - Zoology: Multiple Species

Other information if needed for a CSE-style sitatuation: the author is with Department of Biology, Utah State University, Logan, UT