Lepidium papilliferum inventory and project clearances Jarbidge Fuel Break and Buck Flat

Publication Type:



Nature's Cpital, LLC, Boise, Idaho, p.16 pp. plus appendices (2015)

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Buck Flat, inventory and clearance, Jarbidge Fuel Break, Lepidium papilliferum, slickspot peppergrass


INTRODUCTION: Lepidium papilliferum ([L.F. Hend.] A. Nelson & J.F. Macbr.) (slickspot peppergrass) is a lowgrowing annual or biennial endemic to the lower Snake River Plain and adjacent foothills of Payette, Gem, Canyon, Ada, and Elmore counties, Idaho. One disjunct population occurs on the Owyhee Plateau, Owyhee County, Idaho. Plant occurrences are restricted to a unique edaphic environment, referred to as a slickspot, within Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis shrubsteppe ecosystems. <br> The rare vascular plant species is considered globally imperiled (NatureServe 2015) and is currently listed as Proposed Endangered by US Fish and Wildlife Service (2015). Moseley (1994), NatureServe (2015), St. John and Ogle (2009), and US Fish and Wildlife Service (2011) provide summaries of the species classification, growth habit, reproduction, habitat, and conservation status. Numerous investigations have documented the distribution and ecology of Lepidium papilliferum. References include work by Colket (2005, 2006a, 200Gb), Colket and Crymes (2006), Colket et al. (2006), Mancuso (2000a, 2000b, 2001, 2002, 2003a, 2003b, 2005), Mancuso and Cooke (2001), Mancuso and Murphy (2001), Mancuso et al. (1998, 2002, 2003), Mancuso and Moseley (1998), Menke and Kaye (2006), and Moseley et al. (1992} on the distribution and condition of population occurrences, habitat monitoring, and the conservation status of the species. Fisher et al. (1996) provide an early investigation of edaphic factors that characterize the slickspot habitat of Lepidium papilliferum. Meyer et al. (2005) provide an investigation of the life history characteristics of the species. Louhaichi et al. (2013) investigate the impact of sagebrush-steppe restoration activities on slickspot habitat. Billinge and Robertson (2008), Leavitt and Robertson (2013), Robertson (2004), Robertson and Klemash (2003), Robertson and Maguire (2005), Robertson and Ulappa (2004), and White and Robertson (2009) have investigated the reproduction and pollinator ecology of Lepidium papilliferum. Additional information on the species is published in the Federal Register (see US Fish and Wildlife Service, 2015). <br> Over the past decades the frequency of large, destructive wildfires on lands administered by Bureau of Land Management, Jarbidge Field Office, has increased dramatically. This, and the associated trend toward increased dominance by annual grass plant communities, has contributed to the loss of key wildlife habitats and jeopardizes the persistence of Lepidium papilliferum populations and the quality of slicks pot habitats. Goals of the two projects which are the subject of this report, Jarbidge Fuel Breaks and Buck Flat Restoration projects, is to reduce the threat of wildfire and restore important habitats through treatments designed to replace highly flammable annual grass communities with resilient perennial plant communities. The objective of this report is to document Lepidium papilliferum inventory and clearance activity completed on the two project areas. <br> STUDY AREA: The inventory and clearance study area encompasses approximately 2,630 ha located on the southeastern portion of the Owyhee Plateau, within the southern Bruneau Desert. The Jarbidge Fuel Breaks encompasses three inventory areas, Grassy Hills (99 ha), Horse Butte (1,307 ha), and Kinyon (361 ha). Buck Flat Restoration project area encompasses approximately 1,025 ha. Both project areas encompass significant potential Lepidium papilliferum habitat


Reference Code: U15RUS01IDUS <br>

Full Citation: Rust, Steven K. 2015. Lepidium papilliferum inventory and project clearances Jarbidge Fuel Break and Buck Flat. Prepared by Nature's Capital, LLC, Boise, Idaho for USDI Bureau of Land Management, Jarbidge Field Office. 16 pp. plus appendices <br>

Location: ELECTRONIC FILE - BOTANY: PLANT SPECIES: {Lepidium papilliferum} <br>

Keywords: Lepidium papilliferum, slickspot peppergrass, Jarbidge Fuel Break, Buck Flat, inventory and clearance <br>