Larvae of the genus Eleodes (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae): matrix-based descriptions, cladistic analysis, and key to late instars

Publication Type:

Journal Article


ZooKeys, Pensoft Publishers, Volume 415, p.217–268 (2014)

Call Number:



Eleodes, Tenebrionidae


Darkling beetle larvae (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae) are collectively referred to as false wireworms. Larvae from several species in the genus Eleodes are considered to be agricultural pests, though relatively little work has been done to associate larvae with adults of the same species and only a handful of species have been characterized in their larval state. Morphological characters from late instar larvae were examined and coded to produce a matrix in the server-based content management system mx. The resulting morphology matrix was used to produce larval species descriptions, reconstruct a phylogeny, and build a key to the species included in the matrix. Larvae are described for the first time for the following 12 species: Eleodes anthracinus Blaisdell, Eleodes carbonarius (Say), Eleodes caudiferus LeConte, Eleodes extricatus (Say), Eleodes goryi Solier, Eleodes hispilabris (Say), Eleodes nigropilosus LeConte, Eleodes pilosus Horn, Eleodes subnitens LeConte, Eleodes tenuipes Casey, Eleodes tribulus Thomas, and Eleodes wheeleri Aalbu, Smith & Triplehorn. The larval stage of Eleodes armatus LeConte is redescribed with additional characters to differentiate it from the newly described congeneric larvae.


ELECTRONIC FILE - Zoology: Invertebrates

Suggested citation (with correction): Smith AD, Dornburg R, Wheeler QD (2013) Larvae of the genus Eleodes (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae): matrix-based descriptions, cladistic analysis, and key to late instar. In: Bouchard P, Smith AD (Eds) Proceedings of the Third International Tenebrionoidea Symposium, Arizona, USA, 2013. ZooKeys 415: 217–268. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.415.5887.

Possible CSE-style citation: Smith AD, Dornburg R, Wheeler QD. 2013. Larvae of the genus Eleodes (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae): matrix-based descriptions, cladistic analysis, and key to late instars. ZooKeys. 415 Spec Issue:217–268. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.415.5887.