Historical biogeography of Pacifastacus crayfishes and their branchiobdellidan and entocytherid ectosymbionts in western North America

Publication Type:

Book Chapter


Freshwater crayfish: a global overview, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, p.404–447 (2015)

Call Number:





crayfish, Pacifastacus, SWAP


The focus of this chapter is on defining and discussing the endemic ranges of Pacifastacus crayfishes in the context of geologic history and freshwater biogeography of western North America, and in simultaneous consideration with obligate ectosymbionts. We have organized the chapter as follows: a section on geologic history of western North America potentially relevant to Pacifastacus crayfishes and their ectosymbionts, a review of the taxonomy and distributions of Pacifastacus crayfishes, a summary of the known distributions of obligate ectosymbionts of Pacifastacus crayfishes, and a concluding section with directions for future research. It is our hope that this work provides a useful foundation and reference for subsequent studies on the biogeography of, and interactions between, Pacifastacus crayfishes and their ectosymbionts in western North America.


ELECTRONIC FILE - Zoology: Invertebrates

SWAP (2/19/2016) citation:
Larsen ER, Williams BW. 2015. Historical biogeography of Pacifastacus crayfishes and their Branchiobdellidan and Entocytherid ectosymbionts in western North America. In: Kawai T, Faulkes Z, Scholtz G, editors. Freshwater crayfish: a global overview. Boca Raton (FL): CRC Press. p. 404–447. [accessed 2016 Feb 13]. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Eric_Larson6/publication/275770403_...