A guide to southern Idaho's freshwater mollusks

Publication Type:



Lysne, Steve


U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service; USDI Bureau of Reclamation; USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station; Idaho Governor's Office of Species Conservation; College of Idaho, Orma J. Smith Museum of Natural History, Boise, ID, p.43 (2009)

Call Number:





Anodonta, Corbicula, Dreissena, Ferrissia, Fisherola, Fluminicola, Fossaria, Gonidea, Gyraulus, Lanx, Margaritifera, mollusks, Physa, Planorbella, Potamopyrgus, Pyrgulopsis, Radix, Stagnicola, SWAP, Taylorconcha, Valvata, Vorticifex


This guide contributes to the understanding of the diversity and distribution of mollusks in southern Idaho. It is designed to be used by citizen-scientists, researchers, and natural resource professionals and can be taken into the field to help identify freshwater snails or clams that are found. This book is organized by three simplified shell types: elongated or pointed, round or wide, and clams. Some of the mollusks can be identified to the species-level based on their physical appearance, geographic distribution, or lack of similar-looking species. Others, however, cannot be determined by appearance or distribution, and may be more difficult to identify. Those species are only described to the level of genus. Common habitat type and general range maps are also included on each species page.


ELECTRONIC FILE - Zoology: Invertebrates

SWAP citation (2/19/2016):
Lysne S. 2009. A guide to southern Idaho's freshwater mollusks. Boise (ID): US Fish and Wildlife Service. 43 p. [accessed 2015 Jun 1]. http://www.fws.gov/idaho/home/snailguidefinal92009topkg.pdf.

Generic citation: Lysne, Steve. 2009. A guide to southern Idaho's freshwater mollusks. USDI Fish and Wildlife Service; USDI Bureau of Reclamation; USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station; Idaho Governor's Office of Species Conservation; College of Idaho, Orma J. Smith Museum of Natural History. 43 p. Available at: http://www.fws.gov/idaho/home/snailguidefinal92009topkg.pdf.