2014 Banbury Springs lanx monitoring report for Banbury, Box Canyon, Thousand, and Briggs springs, Idaho

Publication Type:



Internal Status Report, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Boise, ID, p.36 (2014)

Call Number:



Banbury Springs lanx, Banbury Springs limpet, Lanx sp., SWAP


Between January and May 2014, USFWS biologists carried out annual Banbury Springs Lanx ([Banbury Springs limpet], Lanx n sp.; undescribed; BSL) monitoring within the 4 known colony locations in the Thousand Springs area along the middle Snake River, Idaho: Banbury, Box Canyon, Thousand, and Briggs springs. This was the fifth monitoring event in 7 years at Banbury Springs, and the third consecutive monitoring event at the other three springs. At Banbury Springs, biologists documented the fifth year of consecutive decreases in BSL densities (BSL/ meter2) within the monitoring site. At Briggs Springs, both the lower and upper monitoring sites exhibited decreased densities, though the decrease at the lower site was much more pronounced. Box Canyon was the only monitoring location showing an increase in density of BSL measured. Additional monitoring of both populations and habitat availability are needed at two populations to better understand the relationship of water flow, habitat availability, and BSL status. Thousand Springs area results indicate that the population appears to be sustaining at fairly low densities, though it is unknown whether, and/or for how long, this density level might last without a more intensive recovery action to help bolster the populations.



NOTE: Document contains sensitive information. (Note however that the four spring names, along with river km of each spot, appear in a USFWS monitoring document that is posted online.)

SWAP (2/19/2016) citation:
Burak G, Hopper D. 2014. 2014 Banbury Springs lanx monitoring report for Banbury, Box Canyon, Thousand, and Briggs Springs, Idaho. Internal status report. Boise (ID): US Fish and Wildlife Service, Idaho Fish and Wildlife Office. 36 p.