Frequently Asked Questions

We get a lot of questions. We post here answers to questions we're being asked frequently. If you have a question not answered here, please contact us. Urgent questions should be directed to your nearest office. Some answers change over time; please take note of the "answered" date.

Displaying 1876 - 1900 of 3534 questions


During 2012, there were so many people fishing at Chesterfield Reservoir that the irrigation company couldn't get past the vehicles parked on the dam to get to their pump house.  One instance involved the irrigation company accidentally bumping a private vehicle parked on the dam and causing some damage while trying to get to their pump house.  The private individual wanted to sue the irrigation company.  This caused the irrigation company to work with Fish and Game to come up with a solution that would not close the reservoir to all public fishing.  The gate was put up as a compromise.  There is still foot access to the dam for fishing, there will be no vehicle access for the public across the dam.
answered 6/24/2013


Idaho does not have any kind of permit or license requirement for live-trapping unprotected varmints such as the raccoon.
answered 6/24/2013


Contact the IDFG region office in your area for information. Idaho Fish and Game Office Locations and Contact Numbers Panhandle Region…1-208-769-1414 (Coeur d’Alene) Clearwater Region…1-208-799-5010 (Lewiston) Southwest Region…1-208-465-8465 (Nampa) Magic Valley Region…1-208-324-4359 (Jerome) Southeast Region…1-208-232-4703 (Pocatello) Upper Snake Region…1-208-525-7290 (Idaho Falls) Salmon Region…1-208-756-2271 (Salmon)
answered 6/24/2013


In the area described below, the Hagerman WMA is closed to waterfowl hunting.  Youth cannot hunt there either EXCEPT during IDFG sponsored youth waterfowl hunts.  Contact the Magic Valley Region office for information about these sponsored events.  Their phone number is 1-208-324-4359.   Areas Closed to Hunting: Hagerman Wildlife Management Area in Gooding County in the area within the boundary beginning 200 yards west of the point at which U.S. Highway 30 crosses the south bank of Gridley Island, then northwest along a line 200 yards southwest of and parallel to U.S. Highway 30 to a point 200 yards west of the junction of U.S. Highway 30 and the wildlife management area entrance, then west and north and east along a line 200 yards outside of the wildlife management area boundary, which is marked by a fence, to the point at which the fence meets U.S. Highway 30, then east and south along a line 500 yards outside of the wildlife management area boundary to the Snake River, then downstream along the north bank of the Snake River and then along the south bank of Gridley Island to the point where U.S. Highway 30 crosses the south bank of Gridley Island, then 200 yards west of U.S. Highway 30 to the point of beginning. Exception: Fish and Game sponsored youth waterfowl hunts.
answered 6/24/2013

Q: Whats the procedure for storing chinook salmon while camping/fishing for a few days?

We want to camp for a few days and fish for salmon. We'll have our motorhome and want to freeze what we catch the first couple days. What needs to be done to the fish to make it legally stored so we can show the fish & game officer if they ask. Do you just have to keep the head & tail on? Or ? Thank you very much for your time!!


The Chinook carcass needs to be kept as cool as possible to discourage bacteria growth.  When you are done fishing for the day and your fish is recorded on your Salmon permit, you can:  remove the head and tail provided the skin of the fish remains attached to the flesh including a portion from a healed, clipped adipose fin scar.  The fish must be processed or packaged ina manner that the number of fish harvested can be readily determined.  Processed Chinook or steelhead can not be transported by boat in Idaho. F08
answered 6/24/2013


We have not documented natural spawning below the dam.  I am sure spawning occurs but the young do not appear to survive long enough to be caught in the fishery.  We tag all of the sturgeon stocked.  The fish we have surveyed appear to all be of hatchery origin.  
answered 6/23/2013

Q: what is fee for duplicate fishing and hunting license?

What is the fee for a dupilcate fishing and hunting license for resident of Idaho who lost or missplaced their license?


Resident duplicate licenses are $7.25 and are available from any vendor. (Duplicate tags are also $7.25 but they are only available from Fish and Game region offices and Headquarters).
answered 6/23/2013


The most current Chinook salmon season information is posted on our website at  Please check this information for the answer for your question about what is open or call the Salmon Hotline (Toll Free): 1-855-287-2702 for information.
answered 6/23/2013


There is a three-day salmon/steelhead permit that costs $37.50 and there is a three-day small game license that costs $35.50.  We also have a daily fishing license that would cost $12.75 for the first plus $6.00 for each additional day.  
answered 6/22/2013


No.  The only time hunters can apply for a controlled hunt with an unlimited number of permits is during the regular application period---May 1 to June 5.
answered 6/22/2013

Q: Do bass on the Salmon River have to be 12" to be kept?

I just noticed in the new 2013-2015 fishing regs that bass are not listed as any size can be kept on the Salmon River anymore. Has the rule changed or is this an error in the regs?


Where the Salmon River flows through the Clearwater and Salmon Region, there is no length limit on bass and you can harvest a maximum of 6 per day.  Where the Salmon River flows through the Southwest Region (mouth of Little Salmon upstream to the mouth of the Middle Fork Salmon River) there is currently a 12" minimum on harvested bass and you can keep 6 large or smallmouth. F08
answered 6/20/2013


Bass in Ririe Reservoir generally do not live much past age 6.  Based on the data we have, a 3 year old bass is about 6 inches in length, a 4 year old is about 8 inches, and a 5 year old bass is about 10 inches.  A small percentage of fish will live past 6, but they are the exception, and not the rule.  Similarly, some fish will grow faster than what I have outlined above, and will turn into 16” or bigger bass.  Currently, harvest is not keeping bass from achieving larger sizes.  In our 2010 creel survey, we estimated that anglers harvested less than 200 bass during the year.  As such, the current regulation acts much like a no-harvest regulation.  As a result, the bass population that you see now is about what you would expect under a no harvest rule.  The short growing season and high elevation of Ririe Reservoir limits the potential for bass to reach more desirable size.  As such, allowing harvest on smaller bass would not alter the number of bigger fish in the population, and could possibly help increase the growth rates of the bass that remain in the reservoir.  
answered 6/19/2013

Q: How many leftover moose tags are there and in what units?

I would like to know if there are any second chance draw tags for moose and what units they are available in. I can't find any where on your webpage to look for this information.


There were no leftover moose hunts for 2013.
answered 6/19/2013

Q: Where do I find the list of second chance moose hunts that are available?

I know this is the second chance drawing period for Moose, but I can't seem to locate the list? Are there any? And if so where can I find it?


There were no leftover moose hunts for 2013.
answered 6/19/2013


Possession and Sale of Wildlife Found Dead:  Big game animal parts, such as hides, horns – except horns from bighorn sheep – bones, antlers and teeth, of deer, elk, moose, pronghorn, mountain goat, black bear, mountain lion and gray wolves that have died of natural causes, including legally salvaged road kill, may be recovered, possessed, purchased, bartered, sold or transferred. If sold, black bear and mountain lion parts must be accompanied by documentation on how they were obtained. Legally salvaged road kill may not be used as bait for hunting or trapping, except in the Panhandle wolf management zone where it may be used as bait in trapping wolves only. Edible meat from game animals taken from the wild may not be purchased, bartered or sold. Protected species of wildlife that have died of natural causes are considered property of the state and may not be possessed
answered 6/19/2013

Q: Fishing licence trap limit for crawdad

I have read many times that only five [5] crawdad traps are allowed with out a CFL. (Commerical Fishing Licence) But I just read "Five pots per licence" in another question. Does this mean that if I have a regular fishing licence while dropping traps with a friend who also has a valid fishing licence we can drop 10 traps even if we don't have a CFL? Thanks again!


Trapping or Seining Minnows and Crayfish:   Only five (5) crayfish traps can be fished with a valid fishing license. If more than five traps are used at one time, you must obtain a Commercial Fishing License and trap tags. ngame fish (minnows), yellow perch, and crayfish may be taken only in waters open to fishing; provided the seine or net does not exceed ten (10) feet in length or width, and nets and seines must have three-eighths (3/8) inch square or smaller mesh; and the minnow or crayfish trap does not exceed two (2) feet in length, width or height. If the trap is of irregular dimension, but its volume does not exceed the volume of an eight (8) cubic foot trap, it is also legal to use. Nets and seines may not be left unattended. Traps must be checked at least every fortyeight (48) hours. All traps must have a tag attached bearing the owner’s name and address.   All game fish (except yellow perch) and protected nongame fish incidentally taken while trapping or seining must be immediately released alive. All fish so taken must immediately be killed except where stated otherwise. Crayfish may be kept alive to be used as bait only on the water where captured. Nongame fish and crayfish may only be taken during the season set for the taking of game fish in those waters.     It is illegal to destroy, disturb, or remove any traps belonging to others.          
answered 6/19/2013


Based on a review of the website, it does appear the sight is legal for muzzleloader and archery only hunts in Idaho.  If the sight created a magnified view of the animal, or contained any electronic or tritium powered light source – there would be limitations on their use in Idaho.
answered 6/19/2013

Q: Fishing off shore on Lake Pend Oreille

Last year was our first year in your beautiful state. We stayed at Hayburn state park and me and my son really enjoyed fishing there for pike and sunfish and perch. Now that were coming back for our vacation from Canada I was wondering where and if there were perch to fish for on Lake Pend Oreille ? We would be offshore but was just wondering if you had any info for us thanks so much!


Yes, there are certainly perch in Lake Pend Oreille.  They can be accessed from the shore in many areas.  On the northeast portion of the lake, the Denton Slough area is a good place to fish for them, as would be the Clark Fork Delta around the drift yard.  The area around Hope can be good also, but much of that shoreline is rocky.  You’d be able to find plenty of smallmouth bass around the rocky areas, but not a lot of perch.  On the northern end of the lake, the Sunnyside Road and Hawkins point would be good for perch , and around Hawkin’s Point toward the Pack River delta.  On the south end of the lake, the area around Buttonhook Bay (at Farragut State Park) ought to be good for perch.    Good luck and enjoy the trip to Idaho!
answered 6/19/2013

Q: Will a fishing without a license citation show up on a background check?

Also, will a fishing without a license citation be grounds for a bench warrant with the sheriffs office if not paid? Does a fishing without a license citation get dropped after a certain amount of years whether taken care of or not? Will a fishing without a license citation prevent one from obtaining a fishing or hunting license in the future?


Yes, a citation for fishing without a license would show up on a background check of any Fish and Game violations.  
answered 6/19/2013


It varies based on the projected number of hatchery produced fish returning each year.  In 2013, it was between 450 - 500. F08
answered 6/18/2013

Q: What are the regulations on hunting snakes in Idaho?

Is any license needed for hunting or traping snakes?


Up to 4 individuals from each species of herp (including rattlesnakes) may be taken and possessed (dead or alive) with a hunting license. They can be kept as pets or killed for hat band or other personal uses. Specific to rattlesnakes: Up to 6 rattlesnake skins may be sold/bartered (new). The take and possession limit of 4 still applies, so catch 4, sell the skins and catch 2 more to sell. The rattlesnake skins can only be sold not the entire animal---no meat may be sold, consistant with other F&G rules. No live rattlesnakes may be sold, except with a Commercial permit from Fish and Game. Keeping rattlesnakes alive, requires special cage requirements, glass containers or double screens to prevent fangs from reaching outside cage. If you have other questions, please call your local Fish and Game office.
answered 6/18/2013


Contact Idaho Parks and Recreation at 1-208-334-4199 for information about obtaining an Invasive Species sticker to use the boat in Idaho waters.
answered 6/18/2013


Please contact the Upper Snake Region office for that information.  Their number is 208-525-7290.
answered 6/17/2013


Many IDFG Regions don't have limits on crappie BUT some waters do have limits.  You can look up the body of water you will be fishing to find out by using the Fishing Planner on our website.  Information about finding and using the fishing planner is copied below: The Fishing Planner is a resource for information about fishing in Idaho. It includes interactive maps of selected waters, as well as information about fishing rules, fish stocking, game fish and other species. The link to the Fishing Planner is Looking for fishing information for an Idaho stream, or lake?? Enter any part of the name of a lake or stream. Looking for a new place to go fishing? Here’s a good place to start. Recommended Fishing WatersSearch for fishing waters with reasonable access that provide a good chance of catching fish and are recommended by Fish and Game.Anglers can use any combination of criteria to search by location, fish species, access, facilities, or type of fishing experience. All WatersSearch results here include all waters. Searches may be narrowed by location and fish species. Chinook Salmon Season Interactive MapSee what river sections will be open for Chinook salmon fishing and get information about opening and closing dates, and bag limits. Fishing & Boating Access Sites Interactive MapLocation and facilities information for Fishing and Boating Access Sites managed or co-managed by the Idaho Department of Fish and Game.  
answered 6/17/2013


Unfortunately, no. The most current Chinook salmon season information is posted on our website at  Please check this information for the answer for your question about what is open or call the Salmon Hotline (Toll Free): 1-855-287-2702 for information.  
answered 6/17/2013