Frequently Asked Questions
We get a lot of questions. We post here answers to questions we're being asked frequently. If you have a question not answered here, please contact us. Urgent questions should be directed to your nearest office. Some answers change over time; please take note of the "answered" date.
Displaying 1626 - 1650 of 3534 questionsA:
A person may apply for only one species. Any person applying for a moose, bighorn sheep, or mountain goat hunt is prohibited from applying for any other big game controlled hunt in the same year. Except: they may apply for a controlled depredation hunt for deer, elk, or pronghorn, a controlled black bear hunt, or leftover deer, elk, or pronghorn controlled hunt tag, an unlimited controlled hunt, or extra deer, elk, pronghorn, or turkey hunt.answered 10/31/2013
I assume you mean for elk, deer, or pronghorn? If so, start on this page: All deer, elk and pronghorn hunters must complete and submit an online hunter report, for each tag issued, within 10 days of harvest or within 10 days of the close of the season for which their tag was valid. The online version links to our vendor, or you can call into the Wildlife Bureau at the number listed. Congratulations on your harvest!answered 10/29/2013
General hunting information is available for Farragut and other Wildlife Management areas in North Idaho here: 10/29/2013
The killing of feral cats is so much more than a simple legal question and answer. It may be legal when protecting your property, such as feral cats engaged in the taking of your livestock or even pets. Taking a feral cat in the wilds of Idaho would require a valid hunting license. However, there are other considerations to keep in mind: Are you in a city limit that prohibits the discharge of a firearm? Does the county have a no shooting safety ordinance for your neighborhood? Is the cat actually Feral, or has Muffy escaped their yard and the 8 year old owner out looking for their pet kitty? It is impossible to provide a definitive answer to this question without knowing the specifics to your circumstance. And Fish and Game may not be the source for that definitive or even the specific instance knowing that each city and each county may have other provisions and therefore other solutions for removing the pesky cat in your yard. Other solutions could also include contacting your local Animal Shelter for assistnace.answered 10/29/2013
Q: Hayden Lake Hayspur Trout
How Large do these Hayspur Trout Grow to in size/pounds ?A:
Your question's answer is available here: 10/28/2013
Q: What is exclusive control lease?
I use the internet and a handheld gps with the land ownership package. When ever myself or friends set up hunting trips, we do our homework to stay on as much public land as possible. But when I read the F&G rule book it mentiones "exclusive control lease", what is this? And how does one find out which blm lands fall under these special rules? It is hard to follow such gray rules if one doesnt explain them better.A:
Exclusive control lease lands are either state or federal lands leased primarily for geothermal, mineral, gas or oil exploration, solar, or other uses where public access and use is not allowed as a condition of the lease. Such areas/sites are relatively small and limited when compared to all public lands. It is unlawful for anyone to post public land that is not held under an exclusive control lease. Additional information and Idaho BLM field office contacts can be found at: 10/28/2013
Q: Boise river steelhead
When do I know when steelhead are released on the Boise river? Is the local newspaper the best option or do they release the info on the f&g website?A:
This same question was asked a few minutes ago, please refer to this answer: 10/28/2013
Q: List of things for the Archery Hunter with bad hips and knees to make his experience more comfortable?
My dad is a archery hunter who has knee and hip probs. What things can I get him to make his hunting less painful. Like he most comfortable seats, ground blinds, support or comfort accessories?A:
Sorry for the delay in responding to your question. This is a tough question. Probably the best source of helpful information on the things you mentioned would be a sporting good store.answered 10/28/2013
Q: Pheasant Stocking on WMA
Just a question are Pheasants being stocked on the WMA or have they been furloughed? We went out Saturday and didn't hear any shots with full parking lots that seems odd.A:
The Department continues to stock nine Wildlife Management Areas (WMA) with pheasants each fall. Because the price of pheasants increased in 2013, the number of pheasants stocked has decreased a bit . That being said, there are still good opportunities out there. Some of the most successful WMA pheasant hunters like to hunt the thick patches of cover that provide shelter for those birds that did not get harvested on the day of release. For a complete list of stocking locations and schedules, please see the following link: 10/28/2013
Q: Will any steelhead be released into the boise river this November?
Boise river steelheadA:
We certainly hope so but won't know if we have surplus until early November. Because of the location of the trap at Hells Canyon Dam (where we trap fish for Oxbow Hatchery), water temperatures prevent us from using the trap until early November. Once temperatures cool down, we start trapping with our first priority of getting several hundred brood stock steelhead to continue our hatchery program. Once we meet our hatchery goal, then we consider relocation of surplus to locations where anglers have a better opportunity to harvest the fish. Watch the local papers and our website for updates.answered 10/28/2013
Q: Can mounted game trophies be sold to a buyer in another state?
My grandfather passed away and we received an offer from a guy in Washington to purchase his mountain lion rug. Is it legal to sell to him?A:
Lawfully harvested wildlife parts, except edible meat from game animals, may be purchased, bartered or sold when accompanied by a written statement showing the wildlife was lawfully harvested or possessed. Wildlife parts legally harvested outside of Idaho may be sold in Idaho if such sale is not prohibite in Idaho or the state, province, country where harvested. Purchase and sell of wildlife from Idaho in another state is subject to that state's rules and laws.answered 10/27/2013
Yes, you can hunt big game in unit 53 with a short-range weapon. The Hagerman Wildlife Management Area was purchased using sportsman's dollars for the intent of hunting. Although, it is generally closed for waterfowl hunting, it is open to all other hunting related activities. F08answered 10/27/2013
Q: Will a Utah hunter safety permit work to purchase a hunting license if I'm now a resident of Idaho?
Sorry for the delay in responding to your question. To purchase an Idaho hunting license, all hunters must show proof that they have completed a hunter education course if they were born on or after January 1, 1975, unless they have held a hunting license from Idaho or another state. Your Utah hunter safety permit or Utah hunting license will show that you've completed a hunter education course.answered 10/27/2013
Q: Why isn't their any squirrel hunting in idaho? And also if I hit an animal on the road or see a sick or injured one while hunting can I put the animal down myself and contact Fish and Wildlife?
I know that red squirrels are protected I was wondering why? I've noticed many other states allow hunting of them. I am not aware of threats to them other than invasive squirrel species. As to the putting down of injured or sick animals I have put down animals before in my home state of Missouri mainly raccoons that showed symptoms of rabies.A:
Certain species of ground squirrels can be hunted in Idaho. The most commonly hunted varmints in Idaho are the Columbian Ground Squirrel and the Yellow-bellied Marmot "Rockchuck". There is a page in our Upland Game Rules that talks about squirrels and contains a link to a field guide. Do not put any animal down without notifying appropriate authorities first. Here is a list of those which cannot be hunted at this time. Chipmunks -- Neotamias spp Columbia Plateau (Merriam's) ground squirrel -- Spermophilus canus vigilis Golden-mantled ground squirrel -- Spermophilus lateralis Great Basin (piute) ground squirrel -- Spermophilus mollis artemesiae Northern flying squirrel -- Glaucomys sabrinus Red squirrel -- Tamiasciurus hudsonicus Rock squirrel -- Spermophilus variegatus Southern Idaho ground squirrel -- Spermophilus brunneus endemicus Wyoming ground squirrel -- Spermophilus elegans nevadensisanswered 10/27/2013
Q: What are the regulations for using two way radios for hunting big game
Is it legal to use walkie talkies in the pursuit of big game? Specifically directing hunters, informing hunters of game movement, etc? Specifically elk and deer?A:
Idaho Code and Idaho Fish and Game commission rules do not prohibit the use of two way radios for hunting big game, EXCEPT, Idaho Code prohibits the use of aircraft to spot or locate game and communicate the location to any person on the ground. Idaho Code 36-1101: 3. Communicate from Aircraft. Make use of aircraft in any manner to spot or locate game animals, game birds or fur-bearing animals of this state from the air and communicate the location or approximate location thereof by any signals whatsoever, whether radio, visual or otherwise, to any person then on the ground.answered 10/27/2013
Q: Hayspur Trout Hayden Lk.
Do you know how Big Do they get ?A:
Hayspur strain rainbow trout typically are between 3 - 5 lbs. at maturity. With that said, if forage is good and conditions are right, you could see an 8 - 10 lb. rainbow trout from the Hayspur stock. F08answered 10/25/2013
Q: Gerrard Rainbows
Is there Gerrard Rainbows in Hayden Lk. I hear there are Triploid Gerrards in the Lk. ? Anyone know anything ?A:
No Gerrard rainbow trout have been stocked in Hayden Lake. The latest rainbow trout stocked in that waterbody are a Hayspur strain of rainbow trout from our south Idaho spawning brood stock.answered 10/25/2013
Q: Can OTC game tags be transferred to a family member?
I have suffered an unfortunate injury and cannot use my general deer tag and elk tag I purchased. Can I transfer these to a family member so that they do not have to purchase their own, or are they wasted?A:
General season tags cannot be transferred to a family member. IDFG does have a rule that allows any resident adult person who possesses a controlled hunt tag to designate his or her tag to his or her resident minor child or grandchild who is qualified to participate in the hunt. Nonresident adults who possess a controlled hunt tag may designate his or her tag to his or her nonresident minor child or grandchild who is qualified to participate in the hunt. These rules can be found at section 260. Thank you for the opportunity to answer your question.answered 10/25/2013
An Idaho nonresident trapping license costs $301.75 and is required to trap furbearers in Idaho. Trapping rules are posted on our website at: 10/24/2013
Roadkill is salvage is legal in Idaho as long as the species is not protected. Learn more about the self-reporting requirements and the species at 10/24/2013
There were a few feral pigs in that area, but that was years ago and none have been reported recently.answered 10/24/2013
Q: I drew a controlled hunt cow tag and an extra controlled hunt cow tag for unit 52A. Can I legally kill 2 cows?
I've been told I can't fill both tags, just one.A:
You can take 2 cow elk because you have 2 valid tags. The extra cow tag literally means that you can take an extra elk with it.answered 10/24/2013
Q: Waterfowl at Lake Lowell
Is it legal to hunt waterfowl at Lake Lowell?A:
Please contact them directly at 467-9278 for that information.answered 10/21/2013
Q: is there a size limit on steelhead above orofino bridge?
I seen that the limit below Orofino bridge 1 fish a day 28 inches or less. Does that size limit apply to the upper Clearwater and the south fork?A:
Steelhead are defined as "rainbow trout that are over 20" in length." Only hatchery produced steelhead (missing adipose fin) can be harvested during an open season. If they are over 20", missing their adipose fin, with an open season, and you want to harvest the fish; then it must be recorded on your steelhead permit. There are no specific size limits on steelhead above the Orofino Bridge. F08answered 10/21/2013
Q: Removal of beaver dams on More's Creek
I noticed this fall that More's Creek between Idaho City and Grime's Creek has been heavily impacted with new beaver dams. It seems pretty clear that the dams will prevent trout migration up and down More's Creek and will degrade trout habitat by allowing sedimentation. Any chance that F&G can remove the dams this winter?A:
Our agency used to remove many beaver dams by use of explosives, but now only remove dams for very specific conditions. Once of those conditions is when Idaho Dept. of Water Resources demonstrates that downstream water rights are being impacted by a dam. Then we go in and remove the structure. The other reason we would remove a dam is if a roadway or other structure is being threatened because of a beaver dam. Beaver dams are part of a healthy stream system. They encourage bank storage of water, slow water velocity and cause sediment to deposit which encourages growth of riparian (stream-side) vegetation, and helps regulate water temperatures. Despite the appearance of a fish obstruction, trout are very adept at finding a way through beaver dams. Unless the road along Mores Creek is being threatened, we won't remove the dams. F08answered 10/21/2013