Alpine Lake Science and Management

Most of Idaho’s backcountry lakes were historically fishless. Trout were first stocked into backcountry lakes as early as the late 1800’s as settlers began to arrive in Idaho. However, stocking didn’t become widespread until the 1920s. Over the decades, Idaho Fish and Game's stocking practices have been slowly refined as new information becomes available, but the tradition of providing great alpine lake fishing continues today.

Stocking Triploid Cutthroat Trout

Can triploid cutthroat trout improve fishing in backcountry lakes? Biologists completed a three-year study of mountain lakes to compare two kinds of trout used for stocking. 



Fishing and Managing Idaho Alpine Lakes

Management Plan

The Fisheries Management Plan provides guidance and policy direction to fishery biologists for each major river basin in Idaho. High mountain lake management information starts on page 52.

Fisheries Management Plan
— [2018: PDF, 18.6 MB]