The Idaho Department of Fish and Game is seeking public input on proposals to moose, bighorn sheep, and mountain goat seasons.
In the southeast region, Fish and Game will hold an open house to specifically discuss proposed changes to the 2017-2018 moose seasons in southeast Idaho. The open house is scheduled for December 14, 2016, from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm at the Southeast Regional Fish and Game office located at 1345 Barton Road in Pocatello. Comments can be submitted at the open house, via online at the web address above, or by contacting Regional Wildlife Manager, Zach Lockyer, or Regional Wildlife Biologist, Eric Freeman, at 208-232-4703.
Comments will be accepted through January 4, 2017.
Several season changes are being proposed for moose in the Southeast Region based on field observations and harvest data trends. The proposals include:
Increase archery-only moose hunting opportunity in Game Management Unit (GMU) 68A. This will include 2 additional antlered tags and 2 additional antlerless tags.
Eliminate antlerless moose tags in Hunt Area 75. Currently there are 5 antlerless tags in this hunt area. Reduce antlered tags to 7 in hunt area 76-3. Currently 10 antlered tags are offered in 76-3, so this represents a reduction of 3 antlered tags..