Wildlife Health Diseases affecting Idaho's wildlife
About Trichomoniasis
Trichomoniasis is caused by a protozoan parasite, Trichomonas gallinae.
Commonly Affected Species:
Signs Of Disease
Trichomoniasis causes large masses of exudate in the oral cavity, throat or crop of affected birds. The masses can be large enough that they obstruct the passage of food and the birds die of starvation.
Trichomoniasis is usually seen in pigeons and doves in mid to late summer, especially in areas where large numbers of birds are being fed. The birds can eat, but the lesions do not allow the bird to pass food into the crop and gizzard. The food that is eaten is usually regurgitated and the contaminated food is then consumed by another bird which can then become infected with trichomoniasis.
Where is Disease Found?
Trichomoniasis is found worldwide in pigeons and doves. The disease has been well documented in Idaho in doves and pigeons.
How Can I Protect Myself?
Trichomoniasis is not of concern for human health.
Samples to Collect
If there is concern about this condition, contact a conservation officer or an Idaho Department of Fish and Game Regional Office. Appropriate samples can be collected for testing if deemed necessary.
Can I Eat The Meat?
Birds that die of trichomoniasis are not suitable for human consumption.
What is IDFG doing to help manage this disease?:
Trichomoniasis can be a population limiting disease in some dove populations. Idaho Fish and Game recommends that people that feed lots of doves maintain sanitary conditions around feeders including cleaning and disinfecting the feeders weekly with 10% bleach and moving the feeder locations. All waste seeds should be removed weekly.